every market page needs a newdex.io style description for every token. Token listing form should REQUIRE a telegram or wechat or discord or twitter or some social media to contact them,OR JIST USE eos.discussions.app so we use our eos accounts
We should have field for simply TOKEN DESCRIPTION, TOKEN WEBSITE and we should clearly show circulating and max supplies and EVEN SHOW RICHLISTS right there on the page sort of like eosx or eosflare on a one dimensional line chart instead of the bigger 2d pie charts that take up too much space.
We also need links to the website telegram twitter discord etc
every market page needs a newdex.io style description for every token. Token listing form should REQUIRE a telegram or wechat or discord or twitter or some social media to contact them,OR JIST USE eos.discussions.app so we use our eos accounts
We should have field for simply TOKEN DESCRIPTION, TOKEN WEBSITE and we should clearly show circulating and max supplies and EVEN SHOW RICHLISTS right there on the page sort of like eosx or eosflare on a one dimensional line chart instead of the bigger 2d pie charts that take up too much space.
We also need links to the website telegram twitter discord etc