aldryn / aldryn-blog

aldryn-blog IS DEPRECATED. PLEASE USE aldryn-newsblog!
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Update README with notice re: MySQL, SQLite vs. LatestEntriesPlugin #50

Closed mkoistinen closed 10 years ago

mkoistinen commented 10 years ago

Also, add more complete info re: available plugins and minor spelling, formatting…

mkoistinen commented 10 years ago

Please accept this PR.


Based on the number of recent IRC-based support requests I've been fielding lately I can surmise that since the launch of 3.0 and djangocms-installer, I believe a lot of newcomers have been coming to the djangoCMS/Aldryn toolset (yay!). Unfortunately, I think that one of the first things many of them do is install Aldryn Blog under their test environment running under SQLite and the fact that Aldyrn Blog doesn't support support it, it leaves a bad impression to some† of these same newcomers. Similar experience for MySQL users who haven't yet had a reason to install time zone support in the DB.

I think the proper thing to do would be to submit a PR to specifically address these databases weaknesses, but in lieu of this, I think a big fat notice on the README is a nice stopgap.

You can preview the new README here:

† I can personally say I've assisted myself and 2 other people since the launch of 3.0 and all of these are different than the author of issue #49.

mkoistinen commented 10 years ago

Oh, and also, another thing which is confusing for a number of the newer folks to the ecosystem is the two content fields on the Post: lead_in and body. So, I've added some narrative about that in the README too.

czpython commented 10 years ago

@mkoistinen thanks for the pull request.

what do you think about dd64d8cb0c3df7743e5a057b31f1d03088cfbb31 ? I tried to simplify the warning.