alexa-pi / AlexaPi

Alexa client for all your devices! # No active development. PRs welcome # consider instead
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Cloning Alexa-pi git asks for username and password. What should I do? I tried everything (https:// , SSH, install guide) nothing works... #484

Closed jdelandtsheer closed 5 years ago

jdelandtsheer commented 5 years ago

Thank you for reporting an issue with AlexaPi.

Make sure you are running the latest version of AlexaPi, and look through issues before submitting.

Check out our Wiki, and make sure to look at Debugging, and Audio debugging in particular before filing an issue.

In order to help troubleshooting, be sure to include the following information:

Output of the audio debugging script.

Your OS (including version) where you are running AlexaPi: Note: Raspbian older than Stretch is not supported!


Your hardware platform and model you are running on:


Python release (python3 --version):


Description of problem:

Cloning Alexa-pi git asks for username and password. What should I do? I tried everything (https:// , SSH, install guide) nothing works...

Screenshot in *additional info*


Problem-relevant config.yaml entries:

Steps to reproduce:

Traceback (if applicable):

Additional info:
