alexa-samples / skill-sample-nodejs-buttons-trivia

This is a sample trivia skill that will allow developers to get a head start on their trivia games using Echo Buttons. It allows for roll-call of the players, asking trivia questions, and determining whether the voice inputs matched the answers.
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In App Purchase #12

Closed CraigHDev closed 5 years ago

CraigHDev commented 5 years ago


I have been playing around with the skill and was wondering how to add in app purchases for more questions to this skill? I would also like to add hints as possible purchase also.

Do you have any tutorials for this? only tutorial i could find was for the fact skill and not sure how to reconfigure it to work on this skill.

Any help would be appreciated : )

franklin-lobb commented 5 years ago

check out the name the show sample. It uses a consumable ISP for hints.

There's a workshop version that takes you through adding ISP to name the show, which can help guide you through the process.

CraigHDev commented 5 years ago

Thanks, just had a look and this seems very helpful.

Is there a workshop available for adding items like additional question packs? Bit of a rookie with this stuff so any help would be appreciated.

mdinescu commented 5 years ago

Craig - we don't have any workshops that are specifically built around modifying the trivia sample skill but using the examples that Franklin recommended, I would try the following: