alexanderGugel / ied

:package: Like npm, but faster - an alternative package manager for Node
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ied error during runtime, executed without params, environment is windows 7 pro. #19

Closed rcdosado closed 9 years ago

rcdosado commented 9 years ago

var debug = util.debuglog('expose') ^ TypeError: Object # has no method 'debuglog' at Object. (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ied\lib\expose. js:7:18) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ied\lib\install _cmd.js:7:14) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)

alexanderGugel commented 9 years ago

You're probably using an outdated version of node. Can you check via node --version?

ied requires Node v0.11.3 or greater due to the usage of debuglog:

Feel free to reopen if updating Node doesn't fix it.

rcdosado commented 9 years ago

youre correct, now its running fine on my system, thanks!