Open mtcarilli opened 4 years ago
Check to see whether there is an extra space or uncommon character between the end of zcat
and the beginning of --readFilesIn
statement. Just type the command directly to the terminal to test for this, as sometimes when we copy/paste some malformatted chars can be passed to the command.
Hi @mtcarilli
Good suggestions from Pablo. It also helps to check the Log.ouit file to see if the command line was processed correctly.
Cheers Alex
I'm attempting to align paired-end RNAseq data, which I previously trimmed using trimgalore, with STAR. STAR, however, is not finding the fastq files.
Here is my batch script:
R1=/projects/maca9088/CypA/trimmed_data/UVI_R1_val_1.fq.gz R2=/projects/maca9088/CypA/trimmed_data/UVI_R2_val_2.fq.gz
STAR --genomeDir /projects/maca9088/genomedirectory --runThreadN 8 --readFilesCommand zcat\ --readFilesIn $R1 $R2 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outFileNamePrefix ./UVI samtools index ./UVIAligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
This is the error I get: gzip: Read1.gz: No such file or directory
Which is strange because Read1.gz is not even in my command?
Thanks so much for your helo!