alfg / overwatch-api

:earth_americas: An Unofficial Overwatch HTTP API
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Requesting PSN/XBL stats #50

Closed hardcorshik closed 6 years ago

hardcorshik commented 6 years ago

So, getting profiles from PC works fine with Platform/Region/BattleTag. But there's no Battletag for PS and Xbox. So how do I get the stats for that? I tried

let platform = 'psn'; let region = 'us'; let tag = '<insert psn name here>']; var profile;

OverwatchApi.getProfile(platform, region, tag, (err, json) => { if (err) { console.error(err); } else { let username = json.username; let level = json.level; let rank = json.competitive.rank;

but it didn't give back the results

alfg commented 6 years ago

Hi @HaRDCoRSHiK31,

Try using region as global and their xbl or psn username as the battletag. Let me know if that works.

If not, can you provide an xbl or psn user I can use to test?


hardcorshik commented 6 years ago

Alright, I tried it, but it failed still.

I used platform: psn region: global tag: DrollestMaple03

alfg commented 6 years ago

Hi @HaRDCoRSHiK31,

I tried the following:

const overwatch = require('overwatch-api');

const platform = 'psn';
const region = 'global';
const tag = 'Drollestmaple03';

overwatch.getProfile(platform, region, tag, (err, json) => {
    console.log(err, json);

and i got back results:

  "username": "Drollestmaple03",
  "level": 50,
  "portrait": "",
  "endorsement": {
    "sportsmanship": {
      "rate": null
    "shotcaller": {
      "rate": null
    "teammate": {
      "rate": null
    "level": 1,
    "frame": "",
    "icon": ""
  "private": true,
  "games": {
    "quickplay": {
      "won": null
    "competitive": {
      "won": null,
      "lost": null,
      "draw": 0,
      "played": null,
      "win_rate": null
  "playtime": {},
  "competitive": {
    "rank": null,
    "rank_img": null
  "levelFrame": "",
  "star": ""

I'm also getting results back from:

Although, since the account is private, not all stats will be returned.

hardcorshik commented 6 years ago

Thank you, fixed the issue by updating to a newer version.