aliasrobotics / aztarna

aztarna, a footprinting tool for robots.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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fingerprinting footprinting ics industrial-robots robotics robots ros ros2 security

This repository has been archived and is not maintained any further. Refer to alurity for future progress on robot footprinting and fingerprinting.


This repository contains Alias Robotics' aztarna, a footprinting tool for robots.

Alias Robotics supports original robot manufacturers assessing their security and improving their quality of software. By no means we encourage or promote the unauthorized tampering with running robotic systems. This can cause serious human harm and material damages.

PyPI version Documentation Status Article



For ROS2 (Funded under the ROSIN project)

For Industrial routers

For ROS Industrial packages (Funded under the ROSIN project)


For production

Direcly from PyPi

pip3 install aztarna

or from the repository:

pip3 install .

For development

pip3 install -e .


python3 develop

Python 3.6 and the setuptools package is required for installation. Python 3.7 is recommended.

ROS2 Module

For usage of the ROS2 footprinting module a ROS2 installation is required. Source the setup.bash script prior to launch.

Install with docker

docker build -t aztarna_docker .

Code usage:

usage: aztarna [-h] -t TYPE [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORTS] [-i INPUT_FILE]
               [-o OUT_FILE] [-e] [-r RATE] [-d DOMAIN] [--daemon] [--hidden]
               [--shodan] [--api-key API_KEY] [--passive PASSIVE]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  <ROS/ros/SROS/sros/ROS2/ros2/IROUTERS/irouters> Scan
                        ROS, SROS, ROS2 hosts or Industrial routers
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        Single address or network range to scan.
  -p PORTS, --ports PORTS
                        Ports to scan (format: 13311 or 11111-11155 or
  -i INPUT_FILE, --input_file INPUT_FILE
                        Input file of addresses to use for scanning
  -o OUT_FILE, --out_file OUT_FILE
                        Output file for the results
  -e, --extended        Extended scan of the hosts
  -r RATE, --rate RATE  Maximum simultaneous network connections
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        ROS 2 DOMAIN ID (ROS_DOMAIN_ID environmental
                        variable). Only applies to ROS 2.
  --daemon              Use rclpy daemon (coming from ros2cli).
  --hidden              Show hidden ROS 2 nodes. By default filtering
  --shodan              Use shodan for the scan types that support it.
  --api-key API_KEY     Shodan API Key
  --passive PASSIVE     Passive search for ROS2

Run the code (example input file):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311 -i ros_scan_s20.csv

Run the code with Docker (example input file):

docker run -v <host_path>:/root -it aztarna_docker -t ROS -p 11311 -i <input_file>

Run the code (example single ip address):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311 -a

Run the code (example subnet):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311 -a

Run the code (example single ip address, port range):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311-11500 -a

Run the code (example single ip address, port list):

aztarna -t ROS -p 11311,11312,11313 -a

Run the code with ROS 2 (example exploring all ranges, 0-231)

aztarna -t ROS2

Run the code with ROS 2 with ROS_DOMAIN_ID=15

aztarna -t ROS2 -d 15

Run the code with ROS 2 using rclpy ros2cli daemon and with ROS_DOMAIN_ID=0 while showing hidden nodes

aztarna -t ros2 -d 0 --daemon --hidden

Run de code with ROS 2 using passive mode to search the hosts. if you set 'any' as argument, is going to search on all interfaces in your system:

aztarna -t ros2 --passive any

Run the code (example piping directly from zmap):

zmap -p 11311 -q | aztarna -t SROS -p 11311

Run the code (example search for industrial routers in shodan)

aztarna -t IROUTERS --shodan --api-key <yourshodanapikey>

Run the code (example search for industrial routers in shodan, piping to file)

aztarna -t IROUTERS --shodan --api-key <yourshodanapikey> -o routers.csv

Cite our work

If you're using our work for your research, please cite us as:

  author = {{Vilches}, V{\'\i}ctor Mayoral and {Mendia}, Gorka Olalde and
  {Baskaran}, Xabier Perez and {Cordero}, Alejandro Hern{\'a}ndez
  and {Juan}, Lander Usategui San and {Gil-Uriarte}, Endika and
  {de Urabain}, Odei Olalde Saez and {Kirschgens}, Laura Alzola},
  title = "{Aztarna, a footprinting tool for robots}",
  journal = {arXiv e-prints},
  keywords = {Computer Science - Cryptography and Security, Computer Science - Robotics},
  year = 2018,
  month = Dec,
  eid = {arXiv:1812.09490},
  pages = {arXiv:1812.09490},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  eprint = {1812.09490},
  primaryClass = {cs.CR},
  adsurl = {\#abs/2018arXiv181209490V},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

<img src="" alt="rosin_logo" height="60" >

Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information:

<img src="" alt="eu_flag" height="45" align="left" >

This repository was partly funded by ROSIN RedROS2-I FTP which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the project ROSIN with the grant agreement No 732287.