Open huangapple opened 1 year ago
demo项目 antd下拉组件BUG反馈
Steps to reproduce the behavior: / 详细复现步骤:
{ "componentName": "Page", "id": "node_dockcviv8fo1", "props": { "ref": "outerView", "style": { "height": "100%" } }, "fileName": "/", "dataSource": { "list": [ { "type": "fetch", "isInit": true, "options": { "params": {}, "method": "GET", "isCors": true, "timeout": 5000, "headers": {}, "uri": "mock/info.json" }, "id": "info" } ] }, "state": { "text": { "type": "JSExpression", "value": "\"outer\"" }, "isShowDialog": { "type": "JSExpression", "value": "false" } }, "css": "body {\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n\n.button {\n width: 100px;\n color: #ff00ff\n}", "lifeCycles": { "componentDidMount": { "type": "JSFunction", "value": "function componentDidMount() {\n console.log('did mount');\n}" }, "componentWillUnmount": { "type": "JSFunction", "value": "function componentWillUnmount() {\n console.log('will unmount');\n}" } }, "methods": { "testFunc": { "type": "JSFunction", "value": "function testFunc() {\n console.log('test func');\n}" }, "onClick": { "type": "JSFunction", "value": "function onClick() {\n this.setState({\n isShowDialog: true\n });\n}" }, "closeDialog": { "type": "JSFunction", "value": "function closeDialog() {\n this.setState({\n isShowDialog: false\n });\n}" } }, "originCode": "class LowcodeComponent extends Component {\n state = {\n \"text\": \"outer\",\n \"isShowDialog\": false\n }\n componentDidMount() {\n console.log('did mount');\n }\n componentWillUnmount() {\n console.log('will unmount');\n }\n testFunc() {\n console.log('test func');\n }\n onClick() {\n this.setState({\n isShowDialog: true\n })\n }\n closeDialog() {\n this.setState({\n isShowDialog: false\n })\n }\n}", "hidden": false, "title": "", "isLocked": false, "condition": true, "conditionGroup": "", "children": [ { "componentName": "Dropdown", "id": "node_oclb4jo3p9f", "props": { "overlay": { "type": "JSSlot", "value": [ { "componentName": "Menu", "id": "node_oclb4jo3p9o", "props": { "items": [ { "key": "timeLinei5wd", "category": "Menu.Item", "children": "菜单名", "title": "菜单名" } ], "__component_name": "Menu", "defaultOpenKeys": [], "defaultSelectedKeys": [], "forceSubMenuRender": false, "inlineCollapsed": false, "inlineIndent": 0, "mode": "vertical", "multiple": false, "openKeys": [], "selectable": false, "selectedKeys": [], "subMenuCloseDelay": 0, "subMenuOpenDelay": 0, "theme": "light", "triggerSubMenuAction": "hover" }, "hidden": false, "title": "", "isLocked": false, "condition": true, "conditionGroup": "", "children": [ { "componentName": "Menu.Item", "id": "node_ocky01yzdq3", "props": { "key": "timeLinei5wd", "category": "Item", "title": "菜单名", "children": "菜单名", "__component_name": "Menu.Item" }, "hidden": false, "title": "", "isLocked": false, "condition": true, "conditionGroup": "" } ] } ] }, "__component_name": "Dropdown", "arrow": false, "disabled": false, "placement": "bottomLeft", "trigger": [] }, "hidden": false, "title": "", "isLocked": false, "condition": true, "conditionGroup": "", "children": [ { "componentName": "Button", "id": "node_oclb4jo3p9i", "props": { "type": "link", "children": { "type": "JSSlot", "value": [ { "componentName": "Typography.Text", "id": "node_oclb4jo3p9m", "props": { "children": "Hover me", "style": { "color": "inherit" }, "__component_name": "Typography.Text" }, "hidden": false, "title": "", "isLocked": false, "condition": true, "conditionGroup": "" }, { "componentName": "Icon", "id": "node_oclb4jo3p9n", "props": { "type": "DownOutlined", "size": 15, "style": { "marginLeft": 4, "verticalAlign": "middle" }, "__component_name": "Icon" }, "hidden": false, "title": "", "isLocked": false, "condition": true, "conditionGroup": "" } ] }, "__component_name": "Button" }, "hidden": false, "title": "", "isLocked": false, "condition": true, "conditionGroup": "" } ] } ] }
Sceenshots for further information. (If applicable.) / 一些有用的截图将会帮助我们更好的明确以及定位问题
是导航菜单导致的。 直接拖一个导航菜单就显示渲染异常了。
Describe the bug (required) / 详细描述 bug(必填)
demo项目 antd下拉组件BUG反馈
To Reproduce (required) / 如何复现 bug?(必填,非常重要)
Steps to reproduce the behavior: / 详细复现步骤:
Screenshots (optional) / bug 截图(可选)
Sceenshots for further information. (If applicable.) / 一些有用的截图将会帮助我们更好的明确以及定位问题