Closed 171930433 closed 2 months ago
Code Coverage Report for detail, goto summary download Artifacts
Filename Functions Missed Functions Executed Lines Missed Lines Cover Branches Missed Branches Cover
coro_io/client_pool.hpp 27 0 100.00% 305 43 85.90% 104 38 63.46%
coro_io/coro_file.hpp 34 0 100.00% 246 25 89.84% 44 19 56.82%
coro_io/coro_io.hpp 56 8 85.71% 390 85 78.21% 10 2 80.00%
coro_io/detail/client_queue.hpp 10 1 90.00% 47 1 97.87% 10 1 90.00%
coro_io/io_context_pool.hpp 37 5 86.49% 215 26 87.91% 28 8 71.43%
coro_io/load_blancer.hpp 15 0 100.00% 111 3 97.30% 34 3 91.18%
coro_io/rate_limiter.hpp 13 1 92.31% 85 9 89.41% 8 3 62.50%
coro_rpc/impl/common_service.hpp 3 0 100.00% 55 0 100.00% 26 7 73.08%
coro_rpc/impl/context.hpp 8 0 100.00% 108 6 94.44% 16 6 62.50%
coro_rpc/impl/coro_connection.hpp 46 10 78.26% 467 74 84.15% 114 37 67.54%
coro_rpc/impl/coro_rpc_client.hpp 64 8 87.50% 707 114 83.88% 162 57 64.81%
coro_rpc/impl/coro_rpc_server.hpp 21 1 95.24% 237 29 87.76% 82 36 56.10%
coro_rpc/impl/errno.h 18 4 77.78% 64 40 37.50% 36 16 55.56%
coro_rpc/impl/protocol/coro_rpc_protocol.hpp 9 1 88.89% 101 32 68.32% 24 9 62.50%
coro_rpc/impl/protocol/struct_pack_protocol.hpp 3 0 100.00% 14 0 100.00% 0 0 -
coro_rpc/impl/router.hpp 22 0 100.00% 221 13 94.12% 26 13 50.00%
coro_rpc/impl/rpc_execute.hpp 3 0 100.00% 172 0 100.00% 4 1 75.00%
easylog.hpp 17 0 100.00% 73 3 95.89% 14 5 64.29%
easylog/appender.hpp 23 0 100.00% 275 16 94.18% 90 25 72.22%
easylog/record.hpp 17 0 100.00% 121 14 88.43% 16 2 87.50%
reflection/member_count.hpp 2 2 0.00% 38 38 0.00% 0 0 -
reflection/member_ptr.hpp 3 0 100.00% 23 0 100.00% 0 0 -
reflection/template_switch.hpp 2 1 50.00% 528 512 3.03% 514 251 51.17%
struct_pack.hpp 35 2 94.29% 336 28 91.67% 34 14 58.82%
struct_pack/alignment.hpp 9 9 0.00% 136 136 0.00% 0 0 -
struct_pack/calculate_size.hpp 21 5 76.19% 407 82 79.85% 32 7 78.12%
struct_pack/compatible.hpp 6 0 100.00% 9 0 100.00% 6 2 66.67%
struct_pack/derived_helper.hpp 14 7 50.00% 127 61 51.97% 6 3 50.00%
struct_pack/endian_wrapper.hpp 9 3 66.67% 152 28 81.58% 2 1 50.00%
struct_pack/error_code.hpp 11 6 45.45% 38 30 21.05% 0 0 -
struct_pack/foreach_macro.h 1 0 100.00% 1 0 100.00% 0 0 -
struct_pack/md5_constexpr.hpp 27 3 88.89% 174 18 89.66% 32 1 96.88%
struct_pack/packer.hpp 23 2 91.30% 494 20 95.95% 48 9 81.25%
struct_pack/reflection.hpp 15 9 40.00% 1868 113 93.95% 0 0 -
struct_pack/size_info.hpp 2 0 100.00% 10 0 100.00% 0 0 -
struct_pack/trivial_view.hpp 4 0 100.00% 10 0 100.00% 0 0 -
struct_pack/tuple.hpp 21 2 90.48% 54 4 92.59% 6 3 50.00%
struct_pack/type_calculate.hpp 38 31 18.42% 737 560 24.02% 0 0 -
struct_pack/type_id.hpp 4 4 0.00% 277 277 0.00% 0 0 -
struct_pack/unpacker.hpp 50 5 90.00% 1290 139 89.22% 210 88 58.10%
struct_pack/user_helper.hpp 6 0 100.00% 64 3 95.31% 2 1 50.00%
struct_pack/util.h 12 7 41.67% 100 61 39.00% 2 0 100.00%
struct_pack/varint.hpp 23 3 86.96% 147 14 90.48% 12 3 75.00%
util/concurrentqueue.h 78 19 75.64% 1251 575 54.04% 292 160 45.21%
util/dragonbox.h 90 50 44.44% 735 388 47.21% 38 34 10.53%
util/dragonbox_to_chars.h 6 1 83.33% 440 365 17.05% 54 43 20.37%
util/expected.hpp 93 7 92.47% 248 37 85.08% 44 17 61.36%
util/function_name.h 2 1 50.00% 22 7 68.18% 0 0 -
util/magic_names.hpp 1 1 0.00% 56 56 0.00% 0 0 -
util/meta_string.hpp 10 3 70.00% 46 23 50.00% 8 0 100.00%
util/time_util.h 21 12 42.86% 184 119 35.33% 26 5 80.77%
util/type_traits.h 1 0 100.00% 9 0 100.00% 0 0 -
Files which contain no functions:
struct_pack/marco.h 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 -
TOTAL 1086 234 78.45% 14025 4227 69.86% 2216 930 58.03%
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when use Cmake FetchContent to import ylt, compile error: fatal error: iguana/json_reader.hpp: No such file or directory
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