alibaba / yalantinglibs

A collection of modern C++ libraries, include coro_rpc, struct_pack, struct_json, struct_xml, struct_pb, easylog, async_simple
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Code Coverage Report for detail, goto summary download Artifacts

Filename                                              Functions  Missed Functions  Executed       Lines      Missed Lines     Cover    Branches   Missed Branches     Cover
coro_io/client_pool.hpp                                      27                 0   100.00%         305                40    86.89%         104                35    66.35%
coro_io/coro_file.hpp                                        34                 0   100.00%         246                20    91.87%          44                18    59.09%
coro_io/coro_io.hpp                                          63                 5    92.06%         422                37    91.23%          34                 9    73.53%
coro_io/detail/client_queue.hpp                              10                 1    90.00%          47                 1    97.87%          10                 1    90.00%
coro_io/io_context_pool.hpp                                  40                 5    87.50%         227                26    88.55%          28                 8    71.43%
coro_io/load_blancer.hpp                                     16                 0   100.00%         112                 3    97.32%          34                 3    91.18%
coro_io/rate_limiter.hpp                                     13                 1    92.31%          85                 9    89.41%           8                 3    62.50%
coro_rpc/impl/common_service.hpp                              3                 0   100.00%          55                 0   100.00%          26                 7    73.08%
coro_rpc/impl/context.hpp                                     8                 0   100.00%         108                 6    94.44%          16                 6    62.50%
coro_rpc/impl/coro_connection.hpp                            46                10    78.26%         467                74    84.15%         114                38    66.67%
coro_rpc/impl/coro_rpc_client.hpp                            64                 8    87.50%         707               114    83.88%         162                56    65.43%
coro_rpc/impl/coro_rpc_server.hpp                            21                 1    95.24%         237                29    87.76%          82                36    56.10%
coro_rpc/impl/errno.h                                        18                 4    77.78%          64                40    37.50%          36                16    55.56%
coro_rpc/impl/protocol/coro_rpc_protocol.hpp                  9                 1    88.89%         101                32    68.32%          24                 9    62.50%
coro_rpc/impl/protocol/struct_pack_protocol.hpp               3                 0   100.00%          14                 0   100.00%           0                 0         -
coro_rpc/impl/router.hpp                                     22                 0   100.00%         221                13    94.12%          26                13    50.00%
coro_rpc/impl/rpc_execute.hpp                                 3                 0   100.00%         172                 0   100.00%           4                 1    75.00%
easylog.hpp                                                  17                 0   100.00%          73                 3    95.89%          14                 5    64.29%
easylog/appender.hpp                                         23                 0   100.00%         275                16    94.18%          90                25    72.22%
easylog/record.hpp                                           17                 0   100.00%         122                15    87.70%          16                 2    87.50%
metric/counter.hpp                                           25                 0   100.00%         217                 6    97.24%          66                 5    92.42%
metric/dynamic_metric.hpp                                    15                 0   100.00%          71                 0   100.00%          12                 0   100.00%
metric/gauge.hpp                                              5                 0   100.00%          18                 0   100.00%           2                 0   100.00%
metric/histogram.hpp                                         15                 2    86.67%         197                12    93.91%          48                 5    89.58%
metric/metric.hpp                                            30                11    63.33%         105                26    75.24%          18                 2    88.89%
metric/metric_manager.hpp                                    62                 2    96.77%         437                46    89.47%         102                20    80.39%
metric/summary.hpp                                           14                 2    85.71%         135                17    87.41%          32                 6    81.25%
metric/summary_impl.hpp                                      23                 2    91.30%         270                57    78.89%          94                22    76.60%
metric/system_metric.hpp                                     14                 0   100.00%         270                18    93.33%          20                 9    55.00%
metric/thread_local_value.hpp                                12                 0   100.00%          74                 2    97.30%          16                 1    93.75%
reflection/member_count.hpp                                   2                 2     0.00%          38                38     0.00%           0                 0         -
reflection/member_names.hpp                                  18                12    33.33%         169               109    35.50%           4                 1    75.00%
reflection/member_ptr.hpp                                    10                 4    60.00%          61                18    70.49%           0                 0         -
reflection/member_value.hpp                                  17                 1    94.12%         171                21    87.72%           8                 3    62.50%
reflection/private_visitor.hpp                                1                 0   100.00%           4                 0   100.00%           0                 0         -
reflection/template_string.hpp                                3                 2    33.33%          22                14    36.36%           0                 0         -
reflection/user_reflect_macro.hpp                            17                 4    76.47%          66                14    78.79%           0                 0         -
standalone/cinatra/cinatra_log_wrapper.hpp                    4                 1    75.00%           9                 1    88.89%           0                 0         -
standalone/cinatra/cookie.hpp                                15                 2    86.67%          84                 2    97.62%          28                 3    89.29%
standalone/cinatra/coro_http_client.hpp                     111                 0   100.00%        1701               146    91.42%         542               102    81.18%
standalone/cinatra/coro_http_connection.hpp                  39                 1    97.44%         795               169    78.74%         238                64    73.11%
standalone/cinatra/coro_http_request.hpp                     28                 0   100.00%         215                10    95.35%          84                11    86.90%
standalone/cinatra/coro_http_response.hpp                    32                 0   100.00%         281                14    95.02%         114                14    87.72%
standalone/cinatra/coro_http_router.hpp                      15                 0   100.00%         181                22    87.85%          22                10    54.55%
standalone/cinatra/coro_http_server.hpp                      52                 0   100.00%         998                97    90.28%         184                49    73.37%
standalone/cinatra/coro_radix_tree.hpp                       17                 0   100.00%         264                38    85.61%         136                30    77.94%
standalone/cinatra/define.h                                   3                 0   100.00%          36                 2    94.44%          20                 1    95.00%
standalone/cinatra/gzip.hpp                                   6                 2    66.67%         200                99    50.50%          52                28    46.15%
standalone/cinatra/http_parser.hpp                           28                 2    92.86%         183                11    93.99%          52                 3    94.23%
standalone/cinatra/metric_conf.hpp                            8                 0   100.00%          96                24    75.00%          32                12    62.50%
standalone/cinatra/mime_types.hpp                             1                 0   100.00%           7                 2    71.43%           2                 1    50.00%
standalone/cinatra/multipart.hpp                              4                 0   100.00%          88                15    82.95%          22                 5    77.27%
standalone/cinatra/picohttpparser.h                          13                 5    61.54%         431               236    45.24%         212                98    53.77%
standalone/cinatra/response_cv.hpp                            2                 0   100.00%          55                30    45.45%          46                15    67.39%
standalone/cinatra/session.hpp                               11                 0   100.00%          54                 2    96.30%           4                 1    75.00%
standalone/cinatra/session_manager.hpp                       10                 1    90.00%          67                 5    92.54%          10                 1    90.00%
standalone/cinatra/sha1.hpp                                  12                 0   100.00%         181                 8    95.58%          12                 2    83.33%
standalone/cinatra/string_resize.hpp                          2                 0   100.00%          18                 0   100.00%           2                 0   100.00%
standalone/cinatra/time_util.hpp                             20                 9    55.00%         176                92    47.73%          26                 2    92.31%
standalone/cinatra/uri.hpp                                   17                 4    76.47%         200                49    75.50%         166                42    74.70%
standalone/cinatra/url_encode_decode.hpp                      4                 0   100.00%          93                28    69.89%          48                16    66.67%
standalone/cinatra/utils.hpp                                 14                 0   100.00%         221                22    90.05%         116                43    62.93%
standalone/cinatra/websocket.hpp                             15                 4    73.33%         170                42    75.29%          70                17    75.71%
standalone/iguana/common.hpp                                 32                16    50.00%         172                52    69.77%           4                 1    75.00%
standalone/iguana/define.h                                    1                 1     0.00%           3                 3     0.00%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/detail/charconv.h                           2                 1    50.00%          31                 4    87.10%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/detail/dragonbox.h                         22                22     0.00%          76                76     0.00%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/detail/dragonbox_to_chars.h                 2                 2     0.00%         218               218     0.00%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/detail/fast_float.h                       105               105     0.00%         994               994     0.00%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/detail/itoa.hpp                             3                 2    33.33%          39                12    69.23%          12                 3    75.00%
standalone/iguana/detail/pb_type.hpp                         24                23     4.17%          60                59     1.67%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/detail/string_resize.hpp                    4                 2    50.00%          34                16    52.94%           2                 0   100.00%
standalone/iguana/detail/utf.hpp                              5                 5     0.00%         102               102     0.00%          20                20     0.00%
standalone/iguana/dynamic.hpp                                17                 9    47.06%         165                84    49.09%          20                 9    55.00%
standalone/iguana/error_code.h                                9                 9     0.00%          66                66     0.00%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/field_reflection.hpp                        8                 7    12.50%         100                92     8.00%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/json_util.hpp                               4                 4     0.00%          46                46     0.00%           0                 0         -
standalone/iguana/json_writer.hpp                            15                 0   100.00%         101                 0   100.00%           6                 1    83.33%
standalone/iguana/pb_reader.hpp                               6                 0   100.00%         220                 5    97.73%          16                 6    62.50%
standalone/iguana/pb_util.hpp                                26                 5    80.77%         497               147    70.42%          46                36    21.74%
standalone/iguana/pb_writer.hpp                              18                 1    94.44%         511                66    87.08%          28                 7    75.00%
standalone/iguana/util.hpp                                    3                 1    66.67%          87                57    34.48%          20                16    20.00%
struct_pack.hpp                                              35                 2    94.29%         336                28    91.67%          34                14    58.82%
struct_pack/alignment.hpp                                     9                 9     0.00%         136               136     0.00%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/calculate_size.hpp                               21                 5    76.19%         407                82    79.85%          32                 7    78.12%
struct_pack/compatible.hpp                                    6                 0   100.00%           9                 0   100.00%           6                 2    66.67%
struct_pack/derived_helper.hpp                               14                 7    50.00%         127                61    51.97%           6                 3    50.00%
struct_pack/endian_wrapper.hpp                                9                 3    66.67%         152                28    81.58%           2                 1    50.00%
struct_pack/error_code.hpp                                   11                 6    45.45%          38                30    21.05%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/foreach_macro.h                                   1                 0   100.00%           1                 0   100.00%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/md5_constexpr.hpp                                27                 3    88.89%         174                18    89.66%          32                 1    96.88%
struct_pack/packer.hpp                                       23                 2    91.30%         494                20    95.95%          48                 9    81.25%
struct_pack/reflection.hpp                                   15                 9    40.00%        1868               113    93.95%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/size_info.hpp                                     2                 0   100.00%          10                 0   100.00%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/trivial_view.hpp                                  4                 0   100.00%          10                 0   100.00%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/tuple.hpp                                        21                 2    90.48%          54                 4    92.59%           6                 3    50.00%
struct_pack/type_calculate.hpp                               38                31    18.42%         737               560    24.02%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/type_id.hpp                                       4                 4     0.00%         277               277     0.00%           0                 0         -
struct_pack/unpacker.hpp                                     50                 5    90.00%        1290               139    89.22%         210                88    58.10%
struct_pack/user_helper.hpp                                   6                 0   100.00%          64                 3    95.31%           2                 1    50.00%
struct_pack/util.h                                           12                 7    41.67%         100                61    39.00%           2                 0   100.00%
struct_pack/varint.hpp                                       23                 3    86.96%         147                14    90.48%          12                 3    75.00%
util/concurrentqueue.h                                       78                19    75.64%        1251               575    54.04%         292               160    45.21%
util/dragonbox.h                                             90                50    44.44%         735               388    47.21%          38                34    10.53%
util/dragonbox_to_chars.h                                     6                 1    83.33%         440               365    17.05%          54                43    20.37%
util/expected.hpp                                            93                 7    92.47%         248                37    85.08%          44                17    61.36%
util/function_name.h                                          2                 1    50.00%          22                 7    68.18%           0                 0         -
util/magic_names.hpp                                          1                 1     0.00%          56                56     0.00%           0                 0         -
util/map_sharded.hpp                                         24                 0   100.00%         165                 3    98.18%          36                 5    86.11%
util/meta_string.hpp                                         10                 3    70.00%          46                23    50.00%           8                 0   100.00%
util/time_util.h                                             21                12    42.86%         184               119    35.33%          26                 5    80.77%
util/type_traits.h                                            1                 0   100.00%           9                 0   100.00%           0                 0         -

Files which contain no functions:
coro_http/coro_http_client.hpp                                0                 0         -           0                 0         -           0                 0         -
reflection/internal/arg_list_macro.hpp                        0                 0         -           0                 0         -           0                 0         -
reflection/internal/args_count.hpp                            0                 0         -           0                 0         -           0                 0         -
reflection/internal/common_macro.hpp                          0                 0         -           0                 0         -           0                 0         -
reflection/internal/generate/arg_list_macro_gen.hpp           0                 0         -           0                 0         -           0                 0         -
struct_pack/marco.h                                           0                 0         -           0                 0         -           0                 0         -
TOTAL                                                      2186               518    76.30%       26298              7288    72.29%        4598              1430    68.90%