alliander-opensource / AIFES

AI for the Future Energy System
Apache License 2.0
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AI for the Future Energy System

License AIFES project image

šŸ§Ŗ This repository holds all shared code for the AiNed project 'AI for the Future Energy System (AIFES)'.

Useful links

The objective of this project, in the form of a poem

Electricity flows through the land,
A force of nature, ever grand,
But with demand thatā€™s on the rise,
Our grids must evolve to be wise.

Enter AI, with powers vast,
To optimize the power cast,
To manage energy supply,
And help the planet to get by.

With solar panels on the rise,
And turbines spinning to the skies,
Electric cars on every street,
We need the grid to be complete.

But variability is the bane,
Of these renewable energy trains,
The sun may hide, the wind may still,
The power may just fall to nil.

But with AI to lend a hand,
We can create a better brand,
Of grid thatā€™s smart, that can adapt,
To any change, without mishap.

With data analyzed to a tee,
AI can optimize the energy,
Stored and released when itā€™s due,
To power homes and cars anew.

So let us look towards the sun,
And harness wind until weā€™re done,
Let AI take control of the grid,
And let clean energy take the lead.

šŸŽ Repo functionality

Automated steps

šŸ“œ Steps to reproduce

How to download needed data, run the code, etc.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create virtual environment from yaml: conda env create --file=environment.yml
  3. Run pre-commit install.
  4. Create a .data folder in the root of the project, this folder is excluded by git. Then, download the data from Sharepoint (not public), and move it to the .data folder
  5. Commit and push to main. Linting and clean-up of output cells is performed automatically. If a linter fails on commit, just re-run. It just meant the linter modified a file.


  1. Add to Binder and Get a DOI for your repo.
  2. Add DOI


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

šŸ Contributing

Contributions and questions are welcome. For reference, refer to the Code of Conduct, contributing guide and security policy.