alltheatreides / AVE_MARIA_CK3

AVE MARIA mod for Crusader Kings 3 (CK3)
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Events - Roman Birth of a "Born in the purple" child #15

Closed alltheatreides closed 3 years ago

alltheatreides commented 3 years ago


EVENT 1 - non male child born in the purple

EVENT 2-A - male child born in the purple


alltheatreides commented 3 years ago

APPENDIX 1: extract from The Book of Ceremonies When the two factions go up to the fountain-court of the Sigma, the cheerleaders recite, "For the rulers." The people: "A good day for victories!" The cheerleaders: "What for them?" The people: "Give strength to them; yes, Lord, may you save them; yes Lord, a good day for victories!" The cheerleaders: "For the augoustai." The people: "A good day for victories!" The cheerleaders: "What for them?" The people: "Give strength to them also; yes Lord, may you save them; yes Lord, a good day for victories!" The cheerleaders: "For the senate." The people: "A good day for victories!" The cheerleaders: "What for it?" The people: "Give strength to it; yes Lord, may you save it; yes Lord, a good day for victories!" The cheerleaders: "For the army." The people: "A good day for victories!" The cheerleaders: "What for them?" The people: "Give strength to them; yes Lord, may you save them; yes Lord, a good day for victories!

The cheerleaders recite other acclamations after these: "May God grant to the orthodox rulers fine and good days!" The people likewise, three times. The cheerleaders: "May God provide the imperial power with abundant good days!" The people [V2,25] likewise three times. The cheerleaders: "May God send down good days for the miers!" The people likewise three times. The cheerleaders: "May God send down good days for the augoustai, with those bom in the purple!" The people likewise, three times. The cheerleaders: "May God bestow perfect victories on so-and-so and so-and-so!" The people likewise three times. The cheerleaders: "May God grant good days and happy birthday celebrations for so-and-so, the porphyrogennetos bom to you!" The people likewise three times. The cheerleaders: "All-holy Spirit, protect the augoustai!" The people likewise, three times. The cheerleaders: "Mother of our God, guard those bom in the purple!" The people likewise, three times. The cheerleaders: "For ever, 1 holy God, guard the rulers!" The people likewise, three times. The cheerleaders: "Lord, [we guard] their life with our life." The people likewise, three times. Then they all recite, "May God make [your holy reign] longlasting!"

alltheatreides commented 3 years ago

APPENDIX 2: extract from The Book of Ceremonies

What it is necessary to observe when a male child is born to the emperor: Instructions are issued to the whole senate for ceremonial dress, and on the following day all the senators go along and change into ceremonial dress. Then the patriarch's referendary goes and asks whether the emperor wishes the patriarch to go in. The referendary goes and summons the patriarch, and the patriarch goes into the Palace with his bureau and the metropolitans and archbishops. In the Chrysotriklinos he recites the prayer as prescribed for the Thursday of Renewal Week, and his bureau is also present. After the patriarch recites the prayer he takes leave of the rulers and goes to the Patriarchate, conducted by two silentiaries. After the patriarch's departure the assemblage of senators goes in, and they give thanks to the emperor and pray for him because of the child born in the purple, speaking of seeing children of the children of the child born in the purple, and of seeing him old and very advanced in years then becoming heir to his father's power and empire, so that both the empire and the state of the Romans may be properly organized and conducted. Note that this is what happened in earlier times. When a male child was born to the emperor, the patriarch did not go in to the Palace to recite the prayer, but first the emperor received the assemblage of senators in the Hall of Justinian as previously described, and dismissals were given there, and they all went out to the Kavallarios 1 and a procession took place to the Great Church of God as prescribed for the great processions.

Note that on the third day from the birth there ought to be two receptions, in the two fountain-courts. However, since these were dismantled a very long time ago, 1 this reception should take place in the private fountain-court of the Sigma of the Triconch. When the demes demand, as is customary, that a hippodrome festival with chariot-racing be held, at the emperor's command the banner is issued and hung, and on the following day a contest of chariot-racing is held. Note that on the said day for the hippodrome festival2 instructions are given foreveryone to be assembled in the Hippodrome. At a command of the emperor the praipositos goes out and selects from the regiments 50 men, and from the demesmen of the two factions 50 from each, and from the City's administrators 3 50, and with these standing to either side, praipositos says to them, "Our holy emperor commands that, following the format that prevailed of old and the ancient custom, you are to assemble early in the morning, that is, on the fifth day from the birth of the child, and shout this name for the child born in the purple." Early in the morning, that is, on the fifth day, they assemble in the said Hippodrome, and the members of the demes recite the acclamations and cheer the rulers and the augoustai and, by name, the child born in the purple.

Note that on the eighth day the bedchamber of the augousta is embellished with the curtains woven with gold from the Chrysotriklinos and polykandela. After the recital of the prayer by the priest in the porch at the entrance to the church, and after the name shouted by the demes has been given to him and the tunic put on him, the child is carried away again and placed in the cradle, and both the augousta and the child are covered with rugs woven with gold. Then the praipositoi are summoned by the steward of the table of the augousta, and the archons of the koubouk/eion and all the members of the koubouk/eion are led in by the praipositoi. The girdled patrician women and the magistrissai, both proconsular and patrician women, protospathariai who are offikialiai and the rest of the senatorial women are led in in turn from the Kainourgios Hall, and then the former title-holders, widows of the ranks previously mentioned. They pray for and give thanks and cheer the augousta and render fitting reverence, each one bringing in a gift of her choice. After the bureau of the women, all the members of the senate, magistroi, proconsuls, patricians and holders of high office, are led in from the Lausiakos Hall through the Horologion and the Chrysotriklinos, and they pray and give thanks to the augousta, and bestow fitting reverence with prayers and cheers for the child born in the purple, just as is described for the giving of thanks and prayers for the emperor.

Note that from the first day after the birth of the child born in the purple there should be what common custom calls lochozema 1 in the portico of the Hall of the Nineteen Couches and at the junctions along the City's thoroughfare, that is, from the Chalke to the Forum of the Ox. The archons of the regiments with the scholarioi should gather at the portico of the Hall of the Nineteen Couches, and likewise the archons of the fleet with the naval force. Besides these, the demesmen of the two factions, and the City administration 2 with the City's guilds, drink the previously mentioned lochozema there for seven days. Likewise, too, our brothers in Christ, the poor, should gather at the previously mentioned junctions along the thoroughfare and for seven days drink the aforesaid lochozema.