Closed psychocoderHPC closed 2 years ago
update git submodule to alpaka 0.9.0 release
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Third Party" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="" git subtree pull --prefix alpaka 0.9.0 --squash
update documentation
apply alpaka CMAKE variable name changes
change alpaka namespace traits into trait
update test matrix: test only cuda 11.0 and 11.4 and use container version 2.0
Note: container version 2.0 instead of the latest 3.0 is used because using the latest container requires CI refactorings too.
ready for review
update git submodule to alpaka 0.9.0 release
update documentation
apply alpaka CMAKE variable name changes
change alpaka namespace
update test matrix: test only cuda 11.0 and 11.4 and use container version 2.0
Note: container version 2.0 instead of the latest 3.0 is used because using the latest container requires CI refactorings too.