export_fig worked fine until today (08-Jul-2020). This is the error I get:
export_fig error. Please ensure:
that the function you used (/Users/kamal_home/Box Sync/MATLAB/Utilities/altmany-export_fig-f762143/export_fig.m) is from the expected location
and that you did not made a mistake in export_fig's expected input arguments
If the problem persists, then please report a new issue.
Error using imwrite (line 541)
Unable to open file "export_fig_out.png" for writing. You might not have write permission.
Error in export_fig (line 699)
imwrite(A, pngOptions{:});
As the error clearly states, export_fig is "Unable to open file "export_fig_out.png" for writing. You might not have write permission" in the output folder.
export_fig worked fine until today (08-Jul-2020). This is the error I get:
export_fig error. Please ensure:
If the problem persists, then please report a new issue.
Error using imwrite (line 541) Unable to open file "export_fig_out.png" for writing. You might not have write permission. Error in export_fig (line 699) imwrite(A, pngOptions{:});
Please advise. Thank you.