I am able to successfully export to png when executing the below commands in MATLAB 2013a. However, when attempting to output to PDF I get a blank output which happens to have some grey area with no errors reported. In addition, I have tried to output to EPS, and I am faced with the pop up that pdftops can't be found. I assumed that it was automatically installed when XpdfReader was installed, I then went and downloaded the xpdf-tools folder from the recommended website.
As per the installation instructions in the xpf-tools folder, I copied the contents into the Xpdfeader-win64 directory. I still get the error after attempting the above, It is clear to me that important files can't be located, so perhaps the real question here is, after installing Xpdfreader by using the executable, what else should I do to ensure that all the related files are installed, and placed in the correct locations, or where can I find the pdftops.exe?
I have installed the required software in the following places:
C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.52 and
C:\Program Files\Glyph & Cog\XpdfReader-win64
The error is as follows:
Error running pdftops.exe:
'"pdftops.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Pdftops not found. Please locate the program, or install xpdf-tools from http://xpdfreader.com/download.html
If you have pdftops installed, perhaps Matlab is shadowing it as described in issue #137
Warning: File 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\tpf393c475_8238_4c96_a542_7dc1a8ad09ed.eps' not found.
I am able to successfully export to png when executing the below commands in MATLAB 2013a. However, when attempting to output to PDF I get a blank output which happens to have some grey area with no errors reported. In addition, I have tried to output to EPS, and I am faced with the pop up that pdftops can't be found. I assumed that it was automatically installed when XpdfReader was installed, I then went and downloaded the xpdf-tools folder from the recommended website.
As per the installation instructions in the xpf-tools folder, I copied the contents into the Xpdfeader-win64 directory. I still get the error after attempting the above, It is clear to me that important files can't be located, so perhaps the real question here is, after installing Xpdfreader by using the executable, what else should I do to ensure that all the related files are installed, and placed in the correct locations, or where can I find the pdftops.exe?
I have installed the required software in the following places:
C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.52 and C:\Program Files\Glyph & Cog\XpdfReader-win64
The error is as follows: