alvyxaz / barebones-masterserver

Master Server framework for Unity
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Merging the uMMORPG with this barebones for zone worlds #194

Open gdogg1 opened 6 years ago

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

Haveing issues geting the zones to report to server and clients finding zones

MostHated commented 6 years ago

uMMORPG I thought specifically said that it only supported one scene? I know there is an addon for sale that does it, but I would imagine if it were something easy it would not be something for sale and uMMORPG would just support it out of the box. I am guessing there might be more to getting it to work than just doing it the way MSF does it?

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

ok so what ive done is added my ummorpg game scense to build with client and Gameserver. So far this is what i have goten to work i cn spawn the ummorpgworld registure the zone . creat a character on the database while loging in once , created a select charater scene for 3d model view of saved characters loading the 3d models as a slot prefab with info

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

need help after the world says ot has register the zone the client is not finding the zone . if could find the zone the i could pass the info to the networkmangermmo file for conection

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

is there a onhost to register the host thru

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

basicly trying to make it to were a player can load between scences and still beconnected to same server for chat

MostHated commented 6 years ago

Well, if you use the MSF socket connection back to the master server as your connection for chat that might work after some customization to be able to connect from one gameserver through MSF to another game server, but ummorpg's built-in chat is going to try and use its own network manager and that is going to be connected to whatever game server you are on, so if each zone is a different game server, that's not going to work that way. ummorpgs network manager is very customized from what I remember.

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

i wonder if i can use the msf socket to spawn the game worlds and send they port info back to ummmo server

MostHated commented 6 years ago

I don't see why not, there is a callback that is used to tell the master server when the gameserver is ready to accept players, should be able to include it with that.

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

would u please provide a example. and that would allow swiching gmaescene as zone and still use the ummo suytem

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

say i wanted the call back to go to a string ip and int port

MostHated commented 6 years ago

I don't know, to be honest, I have only been using C# and unity for a few months myself, I am just learning all this as I go long, and I don't know how ummo is actually setup, I only remember I saw something about the callback in one of the wiki pages when I was looking for something else. I never messed with it before. Something like that is just going to take trial and error. Search at the top for "callback" and go to the wiki links and that should at least get you headed in the right direction.

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

ok if i get this working ill post a example of how to combine the to

MostHated commented 6 years ago

Ok, cool. I expect it should not be that hard considering MSF has zones already built in, the thing is just how ummo would handle it, I don't know if things are tied to the scene in some way that it just would not like the scene changing to begin with.

gdogg1 commented 6 years ago

ok i have started over now i want to know the basics of how to get the world zones to work out of the box after downloading them