amaciarey / PathIntegralGroundState

This is a Path Integral Ground State Monte Carlo code written in Fortran. It is intended to the description of 4He in three dimensions but it can be easily extended to any other homogeneous or trapped system in any dimensions
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Harmonic confinement #4

Closed amaciarey closed 7 years ago

amaciarey commented 8 years ago

The possibility of work with a trapped system must be implemented. It would be ideal to be able to work with harmonic confining potentials that can have different trapping frequencies in the different spatial dimensions.

amaciarey commented 8 years ago

The harmonic confinement has been implemented in the code. In the input file there are now two parameters controlling the harmonic confinement:

  1. A logical parameter that controls if the system is in a trap or not.
  2. A vector parameter of variable length which contains the trapping lengths of the harmonic trap.

It is working fine and for now no bugs has been detected.