amacneil / docker-bitcoin

Bitcoin images for Docker
MIT License
52 stars 76 forks source link

Added Bitcoin ABC 0.15.1, 0.16.0, 0.16.1, and 0.16.2 #43

Closed zquestz closed 6 years ago

zquestz commented 6 years ago

Just adds the last 4 ABC versions.

zquestz commented 6 years ago

Seems you aren't interested in these changes. I am going to close this.

madeinquant commented 6 years ago

Dear zquestz, Would you comment how to upgrade the latest version 0.16.2 when I was installed amacneil/bitcoin(version": 140200) ? Thank you

zquestz commented 6 years ago

All you need to do is deploy the updated image, there are no special steps. =)

madeinquant commented 6 years ago

Sorry, new to docker development. No idea how to do that

zquestz commented 6 years ago

Just stop the old image, then start the new one. There are no special steps. =)

madeinquant commented 6 years ago
  1. install and start a docker : docker run -d --rm --name bitcoind-testnet -v /eUSB/sync/bitcoin/testnet/bitcoind:/data -p 18332:18332 -p 18333:18333 amacneil/bitcoin bitcoind -testnet

  2. docker images : REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu 16.04 f975c5035748 2 weeks ago 112MB amacneil/bitcoin latest d2dcda56bfa4 4 weeks ago 103MB

  3. stop a docker : docker stop bitcoin-testnet

I have no idea how to install\start a new image, please comment how to do, thank you.

madeinquant commented 6 years ago

I found someone else that updated an original image "nicolasdorier/docker-bitcoin", thank you for comment.

amacneil commented 6 years ago

Hi folks - sorry, I haven't had time to maintain this lately, and keeping the docker hub images and versions in sync is very manual due to deficiencies in the docker hub API. I will add a note and update the readme, I am happy for others to fork this project and keep it up to date.