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E-Mailing #22

Closed DylanDirlam closed 3 years ago

DylanDirlam commented 11 years ago

I am currently using a free web hosting site and they charge in order to user the php mail() function. Is it possible to disable this or disable the e-mail confirmation or is this a necessity?

HiddenMotives commented 11 years ago

Currently there is no configurable option to toggle email confirmation.

And I really hope that your not with Zymic Hosting... I suggest you move to they allow the PHP Mail() function. :D

DylanDirlam commented 11 years ago

I am, haha.

DylanDirlam commented 11 years ago

I have switched over to and the e-mail is not going out to my e-mail. Everything else seems to be working fine, but the e-mails are not going through to my e-mail. Junk/spam or Inbox.

DylanDirlam commented 11 years ago

We bought a real domain now and are able to use the mail() but it still does not work! It says the e-mail has been sent but never arrives. Support says to check the Error Log which only produces this error:

[Wed Sep 11 01:57:03 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/gravity1/public_html/404.shtml, referer: [Wed Sep 11 01:57:03 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/gravity1/public_html/upload/style/reset.css, referer:

It also puts it into the database too.

HiddenMotives commented 11 years ago

Did you check your Spam/Junk folder?

DylanDirlam commented 11 years ago


ghost commented 11 years ago

DONT USE 000webhost. Immediately back up your data and move over to 000webhost will send you an email saying that you did something and that your account is banned. Please buy premium. DONT USE THEM. THEY ARE SCAMMERS. Btw i wouldnt suggest free hosting anyways

DylanDirlam commented 11 years ago

We are using the host of our dedicated server now.

aman207 commented 11 years ago

Was this issue resolved?

DylanDirlam commented 11 years ago

No it has not been.

HiddenMotives commented 11 years ago

Did the modify any of the files? And you mentioned you moved to a dedicated server, does that server have all the functions installed and enabled? Such as phpmail();