aman207 / DonatorExpress

Allows members on your server to view and purchase ranks/items without any hassle.
2 stars 3 forks source link

Added italian location #39

Closed Malachiel87 closed 9 years ago

Malachiel87 commented 9 years ago

please check if is correct :)

aman207 commented 9 years ago

Actually this one isn't needed. I forgot to delete a block of comments from this file. A while ago this is how I used to initialize all the languages but then I realized there was an easier way to just grab the strings that were needed

But still, great job on doing all this :) I really appreciate your help :)

Malachiel87 commented 9 years ago

Great, i love this plugin and i would like to do more for help you, but i have to learn java, i know only how to decompile/compile and update requisement for now. Also i noticed a thing, if i try to use it.yml, some string will be broken in-game (like token number) instead, if i edit en.yml with italian phrases it work fine...