amanzi / ats

Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS) development
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Code by Daniiil Svyatsky for creating mesh info files #259

Closed saubhagya-gatech closed 4 months ago

saubhagya-gatech commented 4 months ago

@dasvyat based on your latest commit, where should the parameter list be placed? It is not working when I place it at the highest level.

dasvyat commented 4 months ago

@saubhagya-gatech I decided that it would be more natural to have it in the mesh parameter list, as follows:

<ParameterList name="mesh" type="ParameterList">
    <ParameterList name="surface" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="surface" />
      <ParameterList name="surface parameters" type="ParameterList">
        <Parameter name="surface sideset name" type="string" value="surface" />
      <ParameterList name="surface">
      <ParameterList name="mesh info" type="ParameterList">
        <Parameter name="filename" type="string" value="" />
    <ParameterList name="domain" type="ParameterList">
      <Parameter name="build columns" type="bool" value="true" />
      <Parameter name="mesh type" type="string" value="read mesh file" />
      <ParameterList name="read mesh file parameters" type="ParameterList">
        <Parameter name="file" type="string" value="mixed_element_mesh_river_depth_1.5m.exo" />
        <Parameter name="format" type="string" value="Exodus II" />
      <ParameterList name="mesh info" type="ParameterList">
        <Parameter name="filename" type="string" value="" />
dasvyat commented 4 months ago

@saubhagya-gatech Do you agree?