amazon-archives / aws-robomaker-sample-application-persondetection

Use AWS RoboMaker and demonstrate the use of Amazon Rekognition to recognize people's faces and Amazon Polly to synthesize speech.
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[Person Detection] Migration of robot_ws #55

Closed sandiprakhasiya closed 4 years ago

sandiprakhasiya commented 4 years ago

Follow below steps to run on Turtlebot3 Hardware

  1. Clone ros2-devel branch of aws-robomaker-sample-application-persondetection package.
  2. Go to robot_ws
  3. [Optional] Modify config yaml files for Kinesis, Rekognition and Cloudwatch.
  4. If Rekognition is Enabled, Follow Steps to start Rekognition ReadMe_Rekognition_steps.txt
  5. Enter Command: source /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash
  6. Enter Command: colcon build
  7. Enter Command: source install/setup.bash
  9. If Run with USB Camera and TTS Service _ros2 launch person_detection_robot run_usbcam:True If Run with PI Camera and TTS Service (Currently Not Working with Raspicam) _ros2 launch person_detection_robot run_picam:True
  10. Video Stream can be seen on Kinesis and Rekognition can be seen on /rekognized_person topic (cmd: _ros2 topic echo /rekognizedperson)
mm318 commented 4 years ago

Since raspicam isn't working on ROS2 Dashing, how was this sample app tested? Because my understanding is testing locally on a PC will result in failing to open /dev/ttyACM0.

sandiprakhasiya commented 4 years ago

Thanks for submitting this! comments below

Thanks for quick review. I have done changes. Please review and let me know if any other review/queries.

sandiprakhasiya commented 4 years ago

Since raspicam isn't working on ROS2 Dashing, how was this sample app tested? Because my understanding is testing locally on a PC will result in failing to open /dev/ttyACM0.

There are 2 boards on Turtlebot3

  1. Raspberry Pi 3B+ (To Run ROS related application)
  2. STM OpenCR Board (For Wheel Related Operations and not for raspicam)

"/dev/ttyACM0" is for STM board and not for raspicam. Please find details (tb3 page) Turtlebot3 bring up related operation, You can not run on PC. You need to run on turtlebot3 hardware. If you need to run on PC, comment on turtlebot3_bringup_launch in file (turtlebot3 HW related operations).

And raspicam/usbcam node does not initiate directly (it is conditional). If Run with USB Camera ros2 launch person_detection_robot run_usb_cam:True If Run with PI Camera (Currently Not Working with Raspicam) ros2 launch person_detection_robot run_pi_cam:True

mm318 commented 4 years ago

@sandiprakhasiya So you have tested on a Turtlebot3 with an USB camera attached (not using the Pi Camera)?

sandiprakhasiya commented 4 years ago

@sandiprakhasiya So you have tested on a Turtlebot3 with an USB camera attached (not using the Pi Camera)?

Yes, I have tested all features with Turtlebot3 and USB Camera

Note: we have tried a lot to use raspicam but firmware issues with Ubuntu and ARM device, not able to run with raspicam already conveyed via mail.