This repository contains the implementation of the paper:
Mixed-Type Tabular Data Synthesis with Score-based Diffusion in Latent Space
The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024, Oral Presentation)
Hengrui Zhang, Jiani Zhang, Balasubramaniam Srinivasan, Zhengyuan Shen, Xiao Qin, Christos Faloutsos, Huzefa Rangwala, George Karypis
TabSyn is a deep generative model for the synthesis of mixed-type tabular data (i.e., continuous/numerical and discrete/categorical). Tabsyn consists of two parts: 1) A Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) that encodes mixed-type of tabular data into the continuous latent space. 2) A score-based diffusion model for learning the densities of the latent embeddings.
Python version: 3.10
Create environment
conda create -n tabsyn python=3.10
conda activate tabsyn
Install pytorch
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
or via conda
conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
Install other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install dependencies for GOGGLE
pip install dgl -f
pip install torch_geometric
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f
Create another environment for the quality metric (package "synthcity")
conda create -n synthcity python=3.10
conda activate synthcity
pip install synthcity
pip install category_encoders
Download raw dataset:
Process dataset:
First, create a directory for you dataset [NAME_OF_DATASET] in ./data:
cd data
Put the tabular data in .csv format in this directory ([NAME_OF_DATASET].csv). The first row should be the header indicating the name of each column, and the remaining rows are records.
Then, write a .json file ([NAME_OF_DATASET].json) recording the metadata of the tabular, covering the following information:
"name": "[NAME_OF_DATASET]",
"task_type": "[NAME_OF_TASK]", # binclass or regression
"header": "infer",
"column_names": null,
"num_col_idx": [LIST], # list of indices of numerical columns
"cat_col_idx": [LIST], # list of indices of categorical columns
"target_col_idx": [list], # list of indices of the target columns (for MLE)
"file_type": "csv",
"data_path": "data/[NAME_OF_DATASET]/[NAME_OF_DATASET].csv"
"test_path": null,
Put this .json file in the .Info directory.
Finally, run the following command to process the UDF dataset:
For baseline methods, use the following command for training:
python --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --method [NAME_OF_BASELINE_METHODS] --mode train
Options of [NAME_OF_DATASET]: adult, default, shoppers, magic, beijing, news Options of [NAME_OF_BASELINE_METHODS]: smote, goggle, great, stasy, codi, tabddpm
For Tabsyn, use the following command for training:
# train VAE first
python --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --method vae --mode train
# after the VAE is trained, train the diffusion model
python --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --method tabsyn --mode train
For baseline methods, use the following command for synthesis:
python --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --method [NAME_OF_BASELINE_METHODS] --mode sample --save_path [PATH_TO_SAVE]
For Tabsyn, use the following command for synthesis:
python --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --method tabsyn --mode sample --save_path [PATH_TO_SAVE]
The default save path is "synthetic/[NAME_OF_DATASET]/[METHOD_NAME].csv"
We evaluate the quality of synthetic data using metrics from various aspects.
python eval/ --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --model [METHOD_NAME] --path [PATH_TO_SYNTHETIC_DATA]
python eval/ --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --model [METHOD_NAME] --path [PATH_TO_SYNTHETIC_DATA]
python eval/ --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --model [METHOD_NAME] --path [PATH_TO_SYNTHETIC_DATA]
python eval/ --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --model [METHOD_NAME] --path [PATH_TO_SYNTHETIC_DATA]
Note: the optimal DCR score depends on the ratio between #Train and #Holdout (# Test). Ideally, DCR sore should be #Train / (#Train + #Holdout). To let the optimal score be $50\%$, you have to let the training and testing set have the same size.
python eval/ --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET] --model [METHOD_NAME] --path [PATH_TO_SYNTHETIC_DATA]
python --dataname [NAME_OF_DATASET]
The imputed tale will be saved at impute/[NAME_OF_DATASET]
To evaluate the imputed target column regarding the classification task, use the following command:
python --dataname adult
Currently, TabSyn only supports imputing multiple numerical columns and/or a single categorical column. The demo code only imputes the target column given a dataset, as indicated by the 'target_col_idx' in the dataset metadata JSON file. Below is a basic introduction to our imputation strategy:
For numerical columns, missing values are replaced with the average values of the corresponding columns in the training set.
For the categorical column, in each imputation trial, we randomly select from all possible categories with uniform probabilities.
Next, the masked data is fed into the VAE model to obtain their embeddings.
When applying the diffusion inpainting method, we remask the corresponding dimensions of the embeddings according to the relative positions of the embeddings and the raw input. For example, if the masked column index for the raw data is 0, and the token dimension is 4, we mask dimensions [0, 1, 2, 3] in their embeddings. Then, we apply the inpainting method illustrated in Eq. 39 to perform diffusion inpainting, and finally, we obtain the imputation result for one trial.
Since diffusion inpainting is stochastic (and for the categorical column, we sample the category randomly), we need to repeat the imputation algorithm several times (e.g., 50), and take the averaged imputation result as the final result.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.
We appreciate your citations if you find this repository useful to your research!
title={Mixed-Type Tabular Data Synthesis with Score-based Diffusion in Latent Space},
author={Zhang, Hengrui and Zhang, Jiani and Srinivasan, Balasubramaniam and Shen, Zhengyuan and Qin, Xiao and Faloutsos, Christos and Rangwala, Huzefa and Karypis, George},
booktitle={The twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
title={Mixed-Type Tabular Data Synthesis with Score-based Diffusion in Latent Space},
author={Zhang, Hengrui and Zhang, Jiani and Srinivasan, Balasubramaniam and Shen, Zhengyuan and Qin, Xiao and Faloutsos, Christos and Rangwala, Huzefa and Karypis, George},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.09656},