amazonlinux / amazon-linux-2023

Amazon Linux 2023
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[Package Request] - mod_wsgi #267

Open matejsp opened 1 year ago

matejsp commented 1 year ago

What package is missing from Amazon Linux 2022? Please describe and include package name. mod_wsgi 4.9.4

Is this an update to existing package or new package request? New package request

Is this package available in Amazon Linux 2? Yes it was.

Number of users impacted ?

QuadrupleA commented 1 month ago

Crazy that this is not included - Django, Flask, etc. on Apache require it, and Amazon is forcing the OS migration.

matejsp commented 1 month ago

We have the following workaround using latest mod_wsgi from pypi

python3.11 -m venv .venv 
source .venv/bin/activate 
pip install mod_wsgi==5.0.0
ln -sf /root/.venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/ /etc/httpd/modules/
echo "LoadModule wsgi_module modules/" > /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/mod_wsgi.conf

I see that there is another duplicate: