amices / mice

Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations
GNU General Public License v2.0
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parlmice progress bar #639

Closed ndsubison2178 closed 2 months ago

ndsubison2178 commented 2 months ago

How do I track the progress of MI when I use the parallel mice function parlmice. Right now i just see that something is going on, but I have no idea where things are. So love to know if there are option to track the progress when parlmice is running.


thomvolker commented 2 months ago

By now, parlmice() is superseded by futuremice(). The latter, however, also does not contain functionality to print progress. This is the case because futuremice() simply runs n.core instances of mice with approximately m/n.core imputations per instance. Hence, printing progress would result in a progress bar that is completely progressed from the start. If you insist on a progress bar, you could wrap mice in furrr::future_map() or pbapply::pblapply() and combine the results afterwards.

ndsubison2178 commented 2 months ago

Thanks. I found out about this after I posted this question. Thank you.