amida-tech / blue-button

Blue Button (CCDA/CMS Blue Button/etc) to JSON Parser.
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Blue Button

Blue Button JavaScript library


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This library is part of blue-button family of parsers and provides the following functionality:

Actual implementation of sensing type of data and parsing CCDA and C32 reside in this repository. Implementation of other functionalities reside in

In addition CCDA generation from blue-button, JSON objects is available in blue-button-generate.

Quick up and running guide


# Install dependencies
npm i

# Install grunt
npm i -g grunt

# Test


Require blue-button module

var bb = require("@amida-tech/blue-button")

Load some health data content. Currently CCDA (CCD), C32 and CMS are supported

var data = "some CCDA.xml, C32.xml or CMS.txt here...";

Generate JSON representation of the health data

var doc = bb.parse(data);

parse method senses the type of the health data, parses and converts it into JSON. All types of health data is converted into a common model. Validate doc according to the common model schema

var valid = bb.validator.validateDocumentModel(doc);
if (! valid) {
    throw new Error('failed');

Do changes to doc in your application = "(555)555-5555";

Create a CCDA (CCD) document that includes your changes

var bbg = require("@amida-tech/blue-button-generate")
var modifiedDataCCD = bbg.generateCCD(doc);

Data Model

Blue Button library converts all types of health data (CCDA, C32, CMS) into a common model. Data model schema and validation implementation can be found in blue-button-model.


XML Utilities

Blue Button library provides basic XML parsing and XPath functionality via libxmljs (node.js) and DomParser (browsers). All XML related API methods are inherited from blue-button-xml and available from xml object

var xml = bb.xml;


Parses XML content string into an XML Object which can be used in other API methods. Details of the actual XML object can be found in the documentation of underlying libraries libxmljs (node.js) and DomParser (browsers).


xpath(doc, p, ns)

Finds the XML nodes that are specified by p.




Senses the type of the string content.



Senses the type of an XML object.


JSON Generation

parse(data, options)

This is the primary method in Blue Button library that both senses the type of the input content and generates JSON out of it. Underneath it calls to other sensing and JSON generation methods.


parseString(data, options)

This is similar to parse but it assumes data to be valid XML.

parseXml(data, options)

This is similar to parse but it assumes data to be an XML object.


This is similar to parse but it assumes data to be Text (ASCII) and options is not used. Currently only Text content in CMS format is supported.


See scripts in /example or /test directories that use the above API methods for CCDA, C32 and CMS examples.


Future Roadmap


Contributors are welcome. See issues

Release Notes

See release notes here


Licensed under Apache 2.0

Project was influenced by and used some code from:

bluebutton.js library licensed under MIT

Josh Mandel's ccda-to-json library licensed under [Apache 2.0] (