aminblm / linkedin-application-bot

A python bot to apply all Linkedin Easy Apply jobs based on your preferences.
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ai bot challenge jobs linkedin python

LinkedIn Application Bot 🤖


A python bot to apply all Linkedin Easy Apply jobs based on your preferences.

To modify, use, get documentation or for you enquiries kindly contact me via:

Donation and Support 🥳

With your support I build, update and work on this project. You can also purchase additional packages, tutorials and materials explaining how this bot is working.

There are several features and simplifications I'd like to add to this project. For that I need your support to cover costs. Your support is keeping this project alive.

Donate & support!

Purchase additional materials and guides 😍

You can currently, purchase full in depth detailed tutorial explaining how this bot is working, one hour booking session where i step by step build and run the bot on your machine or 5 videos showing how this can be used. To buy, support this project and help me add more features.

Installation 🔌

Features 💡

Tests 🔦

There is a specific test folder for you to test the dependencies, the bot and if everything is set up correctly. To do that I recommend, running below codes,

  1. Go to the tests folder run python3 this will output if Python,pip,selenium,dotenv and Firefox are installed correctly on your system.
  2. Run python3 this will output if the Selenium and gecko driver is able to retrieve data from a website. If it returns an error make sure you have correctly installed selenium and gecko driver
  3. Run python3 this will try to log in automatically to your Linkedin account based on the path you defined in the .env file. If its giving an error make sure the path exists and you created firefox profile, logged in manually to your Linkedin account once. Here is the result you should get after running test files, test1

How to Set up (long old way) 🛠

This tutorial briefly explains how to set up LinkedIn Easy Apply jobs bot. With few modifications you can make your own bot or try my other bots for other platforms.

  1. Install Firefox or Chrome. I was using Firefox for this so I will continue the usage of it on Firefox browser. Process would be similar on Chrome too.
  2. Install Python.
  3. Download Geckodriver put it in Python’s installation folder.
  4. Install pip, python
  5. Install selenium pip install selenium
  6. Clone the code
  7. Create a profile on Firefox, about:profiles
  8. Launch new profile, go and log in your account
  9. Copy the root folder of your new profile, to do that type about:profiles on your Firefox search bar, copy the root folder C:---\your-profile-name.
  10. Paste the root folder on the if the firefoxProfileRootDir file
  11. Modify/adapt the code and run in to preferences.
  12. After each run check the jobs that the bot didn’t apply automatically, apply them manually by saving your preferences
  13. Next time the bot will apply for more jobs based on your saved preferences on Linkedin.
  14. Feel free to contact me for any update/request or question.

Demo 🖥

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Future Implementations