amir-abdi / artisynth-rl

Reinforcement Learning plugin and models for ArtiSynth
MIT License
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Reinforcement Learning for ArtiSynth

This repository holds the plugin for the biomechanical simulation environment of ArtiSynth. The plugin, implemented in Java, exposes the state of a Reinforcement Learning (RL) model through a RESTful API.

This repository also holds sample RL model for ArtiSynth (in Java) and and their corresponding OpenAI Gym environment (in Python). The environments follow the protocols of Gym environments and gives you the flexibility to implement the agent with any deep framework of your choice.

Researchers are free to use artisynth_rl_restapi in their work with proper credits to the author(s). Please contact authors for details.


Other Dependencies

In order to run the sample toy projects the following dependencies need to be installed:


1- Install the Eclipse IDE

2- Install ArtiSynth following its installation guide.

3- Import the artisynth_core project (from step 2) into Eclipse.

4- Import the artisynth_rl_models and artisynth_rl_restapi projects (from this repository) into Eclipse.

5- Set the environment variable $ARTISYNTH_HOME to the artisynth_core directory.

6- Install Maven2: sudo apt-get install maven2

7- Run the command: source

Check installation

Run and Train

Once you have the keras-rl library installed, to train the point2point reaching toy project, run:

bash scripts/

This will fire up ArtiSynth with the RlPoint2PointModel instantiated and starts training. Change the artisynth-args argument to initiate different models.

You can also run ArtiSynth separately by executing the command:

artisynth -model artisynth.models.rl.MODELPACKAGE.MODELNAME \
    [ -port 8080 -FLAG1 FLAGVALUE1 -FLAG2 FLAGVALUE2... ] \
    -play -noTimeline

And then run the bash file with init-artisynth=false. Make sure to set the port argument to the same port where you are running ArtiSynth.

You can train the LumbarSpine model by running bash scripts/ Similarly, ArtiSynth can be independently initiated with the LumbarSpine model by running:

artisynth -model artisynth.models.rl.lumbarspine.RlLumbarSpineDemo \
    [ -port 8080  ] \
    -play -noTimeline

Training results and logs are stored in 4 directories, namely

The above 4 directories are created in the parent directory of where is executed. In the src/ it is assumed that the main file is executed from inside the src folder and the 4 directories are made in the artisynth_rl root.

Available Environments


artisynth -model artisynth.models.rl.point2point.RlPoint2PointDemo \
    [ -port 8080 -num 6 -demoType 2d -muscleOptLen 0.1 -radius 5 ] \
    -play -noTimeline


artisynth -model artisynth.models.rl.lumbarspine.RlLumbarSpineDemo \
    [ -port 8080 ] \
    -play -noTimeline


The Jaw model is modified from the Dynjaw package in ArtiSynth, originally developed by Ian Stavness (@stavness) form the University of Saskatchewan, and later extended by Benedikt Sagl (Medical University of Vienna). The original jaw model is available in the artisynth_models repository.

artisynth -model artisynth.models.rl.jaw.RlJawDemo \
[  -port 8080 -disc false -condyleConstraints false -condylarCapsule true ]  \
-play -noTimeline

Demo: You can watch a demo of the trained jaw model here
Jaw Model Demo


To test a trained model, set the --load-path to the saved model and set --test=true.

Sample demos

Point to point tracking video

Out of domain tracking