amoLink / bluetooth_print_plus

A flutter plugin for bluetooth thermal printer support Android & iOS
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link

The plugin does not print #1

Closed gabbygreat closed 6 months ago

gabbygreat commented 6 months ago

Nice work man.

Configuring the package was a breeze, but, I am currectly facing an issue with printing

`class _BluetoothShareState extends State { BluetoothPrintPlus bluetoothPrint = BluetoothPrintPlus.instance; BluetoothDevice? _device;

@override void initState() { super.initState(); _startScan(); }

void _startScan() async { bluetoothPrint.startScan(timeout: const Duration(seconds: 20)); bluetoothPrint.state.listen((event) { setState(() {}); print('EVENT IS $event'); //0 disconnected //1 connected //11 turn on scan //12 turn on steady //13 turn off //10 turn off steady }); }

Future _printReceipt() async { await bluetoothPrint.connect(_device!);

final tscCommand = TscCommand();
await tscCommand.cleanCommand();
await tscCommand.cls();
await tscCommand.size(width: 10, height: 20);
await tscCommand.text(content: "Title", x: 10, y: 10);
await tscCommand.text(content: "Hello", x: 10, y: 60, xMulti: 2, yMulti: 2);
await tscCommand.print(1);
final cmd = await tscCommand.getCommand();

if (cmd == null) return;
try {
  await bluetoothPrint.write(cmd);
  await bluetoothPrint.disconnect();
    message: 'Sent',
    flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.TOP,
} on PlatformException {
  ShowFlushBar.showError('Failed to scan');
} catch (error) {


@override void dispose() async { bluetoothPrint.disconnect(); super.dispose(); }

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: CustomAppBar( title: 'Share to printer', action: [ if (_device != null) IconButton( onPressed: _printReceipt, icon: const Icon( Icons.check_circle_outline_rounded, ), ) ], ), body: FutureBuilder( future: bluetoothPrint.isOn, builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return const CustomLoader(); } if ( != true) { return const Center( child: Text( 'Turn on your bluetooth', ), ); } else { return StreamBuilder<List>( stream: bluetoothPrint.scanResults, builder: (c, snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return const CustomLoader(); } else if (snapshot.hasError || == null) { return const Center( child: Text('Failed to scan'), ); } else { if (!.isEmpty) { return const EmptyWidget( text: 'No bluetooth printer found', ); } return ListView( children:!.map( (d) { return ListTile( title: Text( ?? 'Unknown'), subtitle: Text(d.address ?? 'Unknown'), onTap: () async { setState(() { if (d == _device) { _device = null; } else { _device = d; } }); }, trailing: _device != null && _device?.address == d.address ? const Icon( Icons.check, color:, ) : null, ); }, ).toList(), ); } }, ); } }, ), ); } } ` This is my code, but, I don't know why it does not print nor throw any errors

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 3 04 56 PM

The logs when I print reciept, just incase it will help

amoLink commented 6 months ago

Nice work man.

Configuring the package was a breeze, but, I am currectly facing an issue with printing

`class _BluetoothShareState extends State { BluetoothPrintPlus bluetoothPrint = BluetoothPrintPlus.instance; BluetoothDevice? _device;

@OverRide void initState() { super.initState(); _startScan(); }

void _startScan() async { bluetoothPrint.startScan(timeout: const Duration(seconds: 20)); bluetoothPrint.state.listen((event) { setState(() {}); print('EVENT IS $event'); //0 disconnected //1 connected //11 turn on scan //12 turn on steady //13 turn off //10 turn off steady }); }

Future _printReceipt() async { await bluetoothPrint.connect(_device!);

final tscCommand = TscCommand();
await tscCommand.cleanCommand();
await tscCommand.cls();
await tscCommand.size(width: 10, height: 20);
await tscCommand.text(content: "Title", x: 10, y: 10);
await tscCommand.text(content: "Hello", x: 10, y: 60, xMulti: 2, yMulti: 2);
await tscCommand.print(1);
final cmd = await tscCommand.getCommand();

if (cmd == null) return;
try {
  await bluetoothPrint.write(cmd);
  await bluetoothPrint.disconnect();
    message: 'Sent',
    flushbarPosition: FlushbarPosition.TOP,
} on PlatformException {
  ShowFlushBar.showError('Failed to scan');
} catch (error) {


@OverRide void dispose() async { bluetoothPrint.disconnect(); super.dispose(); }

@OverRide Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: CustomAppBar( title: 'Share to printer', action: [ if (_device != null) IconButton( onPressed: _printReceipt, icon: const Icon( Icons.check_circle_outline_rounded, ), ) ], ), body: FutureBuilder( future: bluetoothPrint.isOn, builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return const CustomLoader(); } if ( != true) { return const Center( child: Text( 'Turn on your bluetooth', ), ); } else { return StreamBuilder( stream: bluetoothPrint.scanResults, builder: (c, snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return const CustomLoader(); } else if (snapshot.hasError || == null) { return const Center( child: Text('Failed to scan'), ); } else { if (!.isEmpty) { return const EmptyWidget( text: 'No bluetooth printer found', ); } return ListView( children:!.map( (d) { return ListTile( title: Text( ?? 'Unknown'), subtitle: Text(d.address ?? 'Unknown'), onTap: () async { setState(() { if (d == _device) { _device = null; } else { _device = d; } }); }, trailing: _device != null && _device?.address == d.address ? const Icon( Icons.check, color:, ) : null, ); }, ).toList(), ); } }, ); } }, ), ); } } ` This is my code, but, I don't know why it does not print nor throw any errors

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 3 04 56 PM

The logs when I print reciept, just incase it will help

your code: await bluetoothPrint.write(cmd); await bluetoothPrint.disconnect();

disconnect ???? why ? try remove :await bluetoothPrint.disconnect();

gabbygreat commented 6 months ago

Actually, if I don't disconnect, that is when I get the PlatformException