amorphitec / opengb

3d printer controller with touchscreen interface and websocket API
12 stars 4 forks source link

Containerised distribution #19

Open amorphic opened 7 years ago

amorphic commented 7 years ago provides a standard containerisation platform for embedded devices.

One of the biggest problems with installing + distributing opengb is installation and upgrades for various architectures. It would be nice to provide containers built on top of the standard containers for deploying opengb.

Once caveat is that such a distribution wouldn't allow for a graphical interface served from the device itself.

amrithmmh commented 6 years ago

Is this project active?

amorphic commented 6 years ago

@amrithmmh alas no. If you're looking to connect your printer to a network I recommend Octoprint.

amrithmmh commented 6 years ago

@amorphic i want a UI screen on raspberry pi to control my 3d printer...Can you atleast guide me how to install or build the project from source so i can use it. I am using raspberry pi 3b

amorphic commented 6 years ago

@amrithmmh you probably want Octoprint with the TouchUI plugin. Follow the installation guides on the Octoprint Wiki.

amrithmmh commented 6 years ago

@amorphic I tried octoprint + touchUI but the Touch UI interface isnt good compare to the screenshots i have seen from opengb...Can I ask you why this project is no longer maintained?

amorphic commented 6 years ago

@amrithmmh it's a little complicated...

OpenGB was conceived as the touch-screen and network interface for the re:3d Open Gigabot project. OpenGB was designed to be "API first" from the beginning, with Amorphitec developing a websocket API in Python for controlling the printer and @yeomps developing a reactive single-page web app in VueJS based on designs by @katyjeremko.

The touch interface did indeed work well. The screenshots don't quite do it justice though this video does a better job.

But part way through the project re:3d changed direction and decided to discontinue their support. At the time Octoprint was far ahead in terms of features and user-base and re:3d had other priorities. Amorphitec took ownership of the entire project but now that Octoprint is a defacto standard (financially supported both by Patreon contributors and Lulzbot) there seems to be little point in devoting resources to developing a competing open-source 3d printer controller.

Having said that it might be possible to re-imagine the OpenGB touch interface as an Octoprint plugin if there were sufficient interest + demand and if the OpenGB API was flexible enough to support it. Like all Open Source projects, it would just be a question of time...

amrithmmh commented 6 years ago

@amorphic thank you for your detailed reply Yes I think Octoprint is really good no doubt about it but i can see many printers with touch UI (not opensource) which is far easier to use than the conventional encoder+lcd type , but there isnt many touch based controllers. Only Octprint-TFT(on raspberry pi) and Toggle(based on beagleboneblack) + hardware based controller like Manga screen is currently opensource but all are having its own drawbacks hope Opengb interface becomes a plugin for Octoprint Once again thank you!