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ability #130

Open kevincrawfordknight opened 9 years ago

kevincrawfordknight commented 9 years ago

Question: what are annotators doing with "ability" and "able to"? It's likely these have multiple meanings, in the same sense that "can i go to the bathroom?" does, and that annotators should choose the right meaning according to context.

Here are three concepts people seem to be using:

1) capable.41 - "capable" ARG1: capable entity ARG2: skill, capable of/at what? Example - "args 1 and 2" Kali is capable of massive destruction. REL: capable ARG1: Kali ARG2: of massive destruction

2) possible -- longtime AMR "keyword"

3) ability -- probably shouldn't be in AMR?

[Note that capable-41, unlike possible, has two arguments, and the ARG1 almost always plays a role in the ARG2. Slightly awkward, but we are used to it, for things like "the boy started to sing", where the boy plays two roles.]

how annotators handle phrases "ability" and "able to"

ability -> possible

we can actually get some commercial development and have the ability to work closer to where we live .

(a / and :op1 (p / possible :domain (d / develop-02 :ARG3 (w2 / we) :mod (c / commerce))) :op2 (p2 / possible :domain (w / work-01 :ARG0 w2 :location (c2 / close-41 :ARG2 (l / live-01 :ARG0 w2) :degree (m / more)))))

ability -> ability

the ability to think critically.

(a3 / ability :instrument-of (t3 / think-01 :ARG0 i :manner (c3 / critical))

The best abled pupils

(p2 / pupil :ARG0-of (h / have-03 :ARG1 (a2 / ability :mod (g / good :degree (m2 / most)))))

ability to pay

ability -> capable-41

(c3 / capable-41 :ARG2 (p2 / pay-01))

ability to defend ourselves politically

(c5 / capable-41 :ARG1 w :ARG2 (d / defend-01 :ARG0 w :ARG1 w :manner (p / political))))

The situation in Iran has the ability to cause a lot of misery

(c4 / capable-41 :ARG1 c2 :ARG2 (c3 / cause-01 :ARG0 (s / situation :location c2) :ARG1 (m / misery :quant (l2 / lot))

China's ability to shoot down satellites

(c6 / capable-41 :ARG1 (c / country :wiki "China" :name (n / name :op1 "China")) :ARG2 (s / shoot-05 :ARG1 (s2 / satellite)))

able to -> possible

The boy is able to go.

(p / possible :domain (g / go-02 :ARG0 (b / boy)))

able to give it a good life

(p / possible :domain (g / give-01 :ARG0 (y / you) :ARG1 (l / life :mod (g2 / good)) :ARG2 (i2 / it))))

not able to move

(p2 / possible :polarity - :domain (m2 / move-01

able to -> capable-41

won't be able to get down

(c2 / capable-41 :polarity - :ARG2 (g / get-05 :ARG1 a :ARG2 (d / down)

nschneid commented 6 years ago

@wcroft points out that "was able to" can mean "managed to/succeeded at": "The student was able to graduate on time." We should probably use something other than possible-01 for these.

nschneid commented 6 years ago

Note that PropBank now has frames able-01 and capable-01.