anacarsi / ss24_ReinforcementLearning_BomberMan

Repository for the implementation of a reinforcement learning agent for the game of Bomber Man.
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Future Experiments for Report #3

Closed anacarsi closed 1 month ago

anacarsi commented 2 months ago

Experiments to Justify Neural Network Usage

We will try to justify the hyperparameters and architecture used based on different experiments.

Ana -> Performance and Training experiments (state representation, reward shaping, exploration strategies, time metrics)

Experiment Key Purpose
Baseline Comparison Compare NN with non-NN strategies (e.g., rule-based, tabular Q-learning) show improvements over simpler or heuristic methods
Ablation Study remove/alter neural network components (e.g., layers, inputs) find the most important features of the neural network and how changes affect performance
Hyperparameter Tuning vary learning rate, hidden layers, neurons, etc. find the optimal hyperparameters and justify the neural network's configuration
Generalization Test (Robustness) train in one environment, test in different/altered environments demonstrate that the neural network can generalize to unseen scenarios and is robust to environmental changes
Training time vs. Performance track performance over time and compare with simpler methods show the efficiency of the neural network in terms of how quickly it converges compared to other approaches
Exploration vs. Exploitation test different exploration strategies (fixed/decaying epsilon) impact of exploration strategies on learning and performance of the agent
Reward Shaping modify reward structure for different objectives show how different rewards affect the agent's behavior, e.g. focus on survival or objectives
State Representation Analysis use different state representations (e.g., raw pixels vs. features) validate the feature representation and show how different state inputs affect performance and learning speed
Policy Visualization visualize agent decisions, action distributions try to show that the neural network is making intelligent decisions
anacarsi commented 1 month ago

We successfullly developed the experiments and took insights from them. They are published in our final report.