anand-harsh / Edumi

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[Feature]: Frontend Integration for User Details Update API Endpoint #119

Closed JavidSumra closed 4 months ago

JavidSumra commented 4 months ago



To enhance user experience and provide seamless functionality, we need to integrate the newly proposed API endpoint for updating user details into the frontend of our application.


API Integration for Update Profile

Proposed Solution

  1. Update User Profile Page:

    • Modify the user profile page to include input fields for updating user details such as name, email, organization, contact number, address, office address, and social media profiles.
    1. Form Submission Handling:
      • Implement form submission handling to capture user inputs and send a request to the backend API endpoint for updating user details.
      • Display appropriate loading indicators or feedback to notify users of the update process.
  2. Display Updated User Details:

    • Upon successful completion of the API request, update the user interface to reflect the changes made by displaying the updated user details.
    • Provide visual confirmation to the user that their information has been successfully updated.
  3. Error Handling:

    • Implement error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle cases where the API request fails due to validation errors, network issues, or server errors.
    • Display meaningful error messages to guide users on how to resolve issues encountered during the update process.
  4. Authentication and Authorization:

    • Ensure that only authenticated users are able to access the user profile page and initiate updates to their details.
    • Integrate appropriate authentication mechanisms to validate user identity before allowing updates to be made.
    • Authorize requests based on user privileges to prevent unauthorized access to the update functionality.

Alternatives Considered

I think No Alternatives

JavidSumra commented 4 months ago

Hey @anand-harsh Sir Please Assign me this Issue Under JWOC 2024