anatol / booster

Fast and secure initramfs generator
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Implement systemd-pkcs11 support #109

Open anatol opened 2 years ago

anatol commented 2 years ago

Forking discussion off #96

Booster has systemd-tpm2 and systemd-fido2 tokens support. It would be great to add the systemd-pkcs11 tokens as well.

Booster needs a way to communicate with the pkcs11 device using some command-line tool and perform the same operation as systemd's code does.

Here is what I have

➜  ~ sudo pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/ --show-info                                                        
[sudo] password for anatol: 
Cryptoki version 2.40
Manufacturer     Yubico (
Library          PKCS#11 PIV Library (SP-800-73) (ver 2.20)
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)

Now I am trying to use systemd-cryptsetup and it fails:

sudo systemd-cryptenroll --pkcs11-token-uri=auto /dev/loop0
No suitable PKCS#11 tokens found.

So it is not clear for me what is going on here.

AidanGG commented 2 years ago

Hi @anatol I managed to get this working. I started by generating an RSA2048 key according to Poettering's blog (reference for the commands are here:

ykman piv reset
ykman piv keys generate -a RSA2048 9d pubkey.pem
ykman piv certificates generate --subject "YUBIKEY PIV CERT SUBJECT" 9d pubkey.pem
rm pubkey.pem

which enrols into slot 9d of the YubiKey. Next, I found that systemd uses p11-kit, so I need to let it use Do this by creating /etc/pkcs11/modules/ykcs11.module with the contents:

module: /usr/lib/

(edit: or install ykcs11-p11-kit-module from AUR).

Then I list the tokens (adapted from this blog post

p11tool --list-all    # Set the YubiKey token as $TOKEN_URI
p11tool --list-all $TOKEN_URI

You have to take note of the URL for the correct cert. For the 9d slot I used above, it is the one with the label X.509 Certificate for Key Management. You must then use it as the URI to systemd-cryptenroll:

sudo systemd-cryptenroll --pkcs11-token-uri=$CERT_URI /dev/loop0
c3Ls1US commented 9 months ago

I'm against this. While PKCS#11 support would be nice, it's not clear to me how common the usage is to justify the feature. Besides, a more contemporary protocol/standard such as FIDO2 should generally be preferred instead as it's modern, future proof and requires no additional preparation.