andk / pause

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disallow @'s in distribution filenames ? #509

Open andk opened 2 months ago

andk commented 2 months ago
16:33:31 <sjn> ok, do you mind if we disallow @'s in distribution filenames going forward?
16:34:11 <sjn> the reason for this is that in package urls, the @ is used as a delimiter between the package name and package version
16:35:36 <sjn> e.g. pkg:cpan/ANDK/CPAN-Checksums@2.14
16:35:57 <sjn> if @'s are allowed, we'll have to escape them
16:37:13 <sjn> it's not a big problem (and can still be done, since the dist name in pkgurls can be URL-encoded), but it would be a really nice-to-have for usability's sake

I've checked the uris table and we had only 47 uploads with an '@' in the name; the last one of those dates back to 2007. I'm not opposed to this change request. Opinions welcome.

rjbs commented 2 months ago

Sounds okay to me, and happy to code it once I finish getting #405 through review.

Grinnz commented 2 months ago

Seems like a reasonable restriction as long as it is clearly communicated, this character is quite rarely used in filenames.