andlabs / libui

Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports.
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Table planning: loose ends #159

Closed andlabs closed 6 years ago

andlabs commented 8 years ago

Table views will operate like GtkTreeView or NSTableView: you have a model with columns for raw data and a view with a series of columns, each containing cells that take those model columns and build the final view out of them.

There are a few things I'm not sure about when it comes to tables that I'll pose as an open question.

First, should table view and tree view be separate? They are on OS X, are not on GTK+, and might be on Windows.

Second, how should I permit the layout of each cell of the table? All cells in a column would have the same layout, but I really have two options here:

The question is really about how much freedom I need to give; it might not affect the implementation on GTK+ or OS X too much, but it will for Windows.

Third, and speaking of Windows, I'm still not sure if I should just custom-draw a List View or use my own control for this. (I have my own, but I want to redesign it to use the variable cell renderer approach.) If I do take the custom draw approach, I wouldn't know how to handle accessibility...

andlabs commented 8 years ago

One of the most frequent requests I got when I first added tables to package ui was background color manipoulation

So what do we do here?

kainjow commented 8 years ago

For NSTableView there is setIntercellSpacing:

andlabs commented 8 years ago

That intercell spacing is not what I am referring to. I am referring to the necessary spacing required for alignment purposes.

andlabs commented 8 years ago

Okay, GTK+ only has per-cell backgrounds. So for background colors I'll provide something like

void uiTableSetBackgroundRowModelColumn(uiTable *t, int colNumber);

and that will provide the row color for the background.

That still leaves open the question of whether I should make a tree as part of this or separate — which will block development, so I need a consensus in the next 24 hours — and whether I use the Windows API list view, which can wait.

andlabs commented 8 years ago

Leaning toward just having uiTree like GTK+ does and treating the separation between treeview and tableview as an implementation detail. This will reduce the amount of code libui has in it, but makes the simpler table case slightly more complex to work with.

HalosGhost commented 8 years ago

Is there any chance you can link to docs or some really basic sample code / screenshots to illustrate the differences? I've been excited for table views for a little bit now, so I think there is a solid chance I will have an opinion, but I do not feel I have a solid enough grasp of the trade-off here to offer anything helpful.

andlabs commented 8 years ago

Sorry, which trade off do you refer to?

HalosGhost commented 8 years ago

The trade-offs between treating trees and tables separately or treating them as the same thing (the choice you are asking people to weigh in on).

I am not clear on what the benefits and negatives of each option are.

andlabs commented 8 years ago

Facts: trees and tables have the same basic UI: you have multiple columns and rows of data. The only difference is that a tree can have expanding data

Pros: keeps libui smaller, gets rid of code reuse in libui, gives us two birds with one stone, and a tree model is flexible enough to double as a table model

Cons: slightly more complex to work with in the case of non-tree tables; might need flags to treat tables specially visually(? windows only?), will REQUIRE a custom control or complicated custom draw on Windows

HalosGhost commented 8 years ago

In that case, I think it probably makes more sense, at least for now, to keep libui simpler and let the extra needed complexity be handled when it's necessary.

andlabs commented 8 years ago

So you vote for having a combined widget? Or not?

HalosGhost commented 8 years ago

Combined widget; sorry that wasn't clear.

andlabs commented 8 years ago

Another issue that just came up is that I can't seem to find a way to ensure that a NSTableView is fully distinguishable from a NSOutlineView. Other than that unifying might work.

We'll see how I implement this. I'll start now. Thanks!

ctoth commented 8 years ago

For the sake of accessibility I really favor separate controls and using native controls on each platform. On Windows making a treeview/listview hybrid accessible would require some form of UIA. Not sure if you've already started the implementation here, sorry I missed this when it was open.

mwcampbell commented 8 years ago

Since this is already closed, perhaps I'm too late with this feedback, but still, as a developer who particularly cares about accessibility, my suggestions are as follows:

  1. Keep tables and trees separate, since these are distinct on Windows.
  2. Please don't implement custom controls if you can help it, since that significantly increases the work you need to do to make them accessible. On Windows, the appropriate common controls are SysListView32 and SysTreeView32.
andlabs commented 8 years ago

Staying with the comctl32 listview would limit listviews on all platforms somewhat: one checkbox, have to load images into an image list before they can be used.

Staying with the comctl32 treeview would limit treeviews on all platforms sorely: one column, one checkbox, one image, one text, have to load images into an image list before they can be used.

Do people want these limitations?

UI Automation is not an issue as libui requires Vista anyway. In fact, if I didn't change how table columns were prepared, I would only have needed to add accessibility to my wintable to use it as-is.

mwcampbell commented 8 years ago

If you have a Windows table control that's close to working, and you're willing to implement a UI Automation provider for it, then it's fine with me if you do it that way. I just assumed using the SysListView32 control would be less work, particularly with regard to accessibility. But I didn't realize it had such serious limitations.

d-random-contributor commented 7 years ago

Do people want these limitations?

I think it makes sense to have basic functionality and go full Qt in a separate library.

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

I'm curious to know what the state of the table code is. Does the 'table' branch represent the latest work on it so far? What kind of state is it in? (I've just got a test program running on linux, and the basics seem solid enough so far... will try it on windows and mac tomorrow)

What are the next steps, and is there anything I can do to help?

andlabs commented 7 years ago

The status is it kinda mostly works on both GTK+ and OS X and is completely unimplemented on Windows. I still don't know what to do about Windows, and I've been working on reworking uiDrawText() and friends for now.

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

Ahh yes, I'd forgotten how idiosyncratic the comctl controls were on windows. Sigh.

In the longer term, I don't think people will put up with the windows comctl limitations when the other platforms are so much more flexible. So I feel some form of custom control on windows is inevitable - presumably your wintable control. Can you give us a quick high-level view of the current state of wintable? What needs to be done to get it ready to use in libui and is there anything I can help with?

haiitch commented 7 years ago

Not sure this is helpful, but you may want to explore these grid implementations, if only to lo take a look at the way they were designed.

This is a pretty decent, powerful, and lightweight table/grid control. Unfortunately it's written in Object Pascal.

If you could build that with Lazarus, and if you could integrate it with the C binding as an OCX control, that would save you possibly thousands of lines of code it would take a full re-implementation. Windows system controls are sometimes exposed as MSCOMM32.OCX after all.

Alternatively, the Lazarus code for its TGrid control may also be of help.

These guys in the Delphi/Turbo Pascal tradition have been designing grids for 20 years now.

DemiMarie commented 7 years ago

@htrob That is non-free software, so it can't be used in this project (which I believe is MIT licensed).

haiitch commented 7 years ago

@DemiMarie : FreePascal and Lazarus are Free Sofware. Lazarus comes with a Grid component. TeeGrid isn't Free in the FSF sense, but I was offering inspiration on component design, not necessarily to reuse code. Besides, sometimes all it takes is a gentle email to the authors for them to see that their work could be adopted and be made popular if they educated themselves a bit regarding licences. There's vast component design knowledge in that community and it's a shame to see it go to waste. Just my two cents.

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

@andlabs: I've been gearing up to do a windows implementation of uiTable using the standard CommonControls owner-data ListView. Obviously, there'd be limitations - essentially, it'd be limited to text and numeric columns. But I think this somewhat lowered lowest-common-denominator would still be useful enough to be worthwhile (it certainly covers everything I need). The idea would be that eventually it can be dropped in favour of something more fully-featured.

So, some questions:

1) is this something you'd actually want, or is the prospect just too awful? ;-) 2) is the table branch still the right place to start, or is it just too stale now? 3) any other advice?

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

OK, I've started on my win32 table support. You can track the work-in-progress here: I've added a new example at example/table (there's also an example of table usage in the test suite - page 16).

andlabs commented 7 years ago

Oh, sorry for forgetting to answer the questions.

1) The biggest problem for any implementation is accessibility, and retrofitting accessibility onto the comctl32 listview is going to be trickier since the comctl32 listview has a very different paradigm; either way, I was hoping to use UI Automation instead of MSAA. Plus, I had written my own table control a few years ago (the wintable repository), but that one has an entirely different design from this one, and I was going to just rewrite it (reusing what code I could) to make it fit, assuming I don't just use your code instead.

2) Yes.

3) Not that I can remember at the moment, though I may be thinking of stuff for uiImage (assuming I wrote that in the first place).

That being said, I'll definitely take a look at what you wrote so far; thanks!

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

Cool. I'm still working on it, but hopefully I'll wrap most of it up this week. Will keep you posted.

It's definitely done with the intention that it it'll all be dumped if a custom (ie less-crappy) listview implementation becomes available. But I've got projects I want to use uiTable for now, and comctl listview meets most of my requirements. And if nothing else, it's a good excuse for me to get familiar with libui development.

andlabs commented 7 years ago

So far, I can make two suggestions:

1) You don't need growable since the Windows code is in C++; use std::vector instead. 1) Please switch to hard tabs for consistency. (I'm going to be putting this in a future contribution guideline document.)

bcampbell commented 7 years ago
  1. agreed, but I wasn't 100% confident that a std::vector member would get properly initialised. Will uiNew guarentee that the allocations will go through operator new rather than a raw byte alloc? I need to be sure std::vector ctor and dtor are called. If so, I'll change back to std::vector.
  2. yes - I did read that in the contribution doc - I just hadn't got around to looking up the appropriate vim incarnations. I shall fix it up.

Thanks for the feedback! (next up - I'll wire up the model update functions to inform any listening listviews when the data changes)

d-random-contributor commented 7 years ago

I thought comctl should have ok accessibility. What's missing there?

andlabs commented 7 years ago

@bcampbell No, uiAlloc() does extra bookkeeping. I'll have to see the uses you're using to see what to do.

@d-random-contributor comctl already provides ok accessibility, but only if you use the listview as designed; uiTable is going to be much more complicated.

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

This is the kind of thing I'm concerned about:

struct Foo {
    std::vector<Bar*> bars;

// this would be fine:
Foo* foo = new Foo();

// but this will leave 'bars' uninitialised:
Foo* foo = (Foo*)malloc(sizeof(Foo));

The problem is that uiWindowsControlNew() and the like boil down to allocating raw bytes, so the ctors will never be called. I could:

  1. call the std::vector<> ctor manually, or use a placement new (smells a little icky, but it's localised ickiness ).
  2. change it to a pointer (*std:vector<>) and new/delete it myself in uiTableNew()/uiTableDestroy() (the old school code in me is screaming with the horror and inefficiency of an extra, redundant, pointer dereference here ;- ).
  3. templateize growable to tidy it up and give it a little type safety

Think I'll have a go at 1 first and see how it goes.

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

Regarding accessability - I'm not planning to take this beyond the bare basics of what the comctl listview handles: plain text columns only, no images or embedded buttons or progress bars. So no silly win32 OWNERDRAW hackery, for example. I think that should leave it fairly accessable.

andlabs commented 7 years ago

Option 2 is what the rest of libui does.

And that's fine, but that does leave the Windows code misaligned compared to the other platforms...

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

I've been plodding along on my comctl listview implementation. It's got me thinking about the table control in general, and so I've written up my various thoughts:

Probably the biggest missing chunk from the table API is stuff to access/manipulate item selection. Thoughts most welcome, but failing that I'll probably just plough on and have a crack at implementing an API, then throw it out here for everyone to critique...

andlabs commented 7 years ago

On selection, yes, libui doesn't have every necessary function for every control just yet, but =P I'll read that markdown file later. Thanks in the meantime!

bcampbell commented 7 years ago

Progress update: I've added a speculative API for accessing the selected item(s).

I also added a flags parameter to uiNewTable to pass in any creation-time style flags. Currently the only one defined is to turn on multi-selection, but there are a few others I'm looking at adding (hide the header row, allow the user to resize columns, allow the user to reorder columns, etc etc...)

Lastly, I added uiTableOnSelectionChanged, to allow the user to set up a callback to monitor selection alterations.

Everything seems to work OK across the three current platforms, but I've not yet implemented uiTableOnSelectionChanged on OSX (my cocoa knowledge is a little on the lean side).

Feedback most welcome!

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

Just another quick update - I've just added OSX support for onSelectionChangedon my table branch.

That pretty much covers the real basic core stuff I think uiTable should handle. The big thing missing is an API change on uiTableModel to add/update large numbers of rows without slowing things to a crawl with an extra full redraw for every row touched... Either some sort of begin/commit batched update notification, or a "just assume everything has changed" call on the model. The latter sounds simpler.

After that, if everyone's happy with the general API I've implemented, I'll start getting it into shape for merging.

andlabs commented 6 years ago

I was going to say this when I am able to respond to the .md file (assuming you are updating it too), but:

The problem with an "update everything" is that last time I checked GTK+ has no such facility.

Which platform(s) do the redraw the row immediately on every individual row change thing? It sounds odd that that would be done, especially since the norm is to request a redraw for the next iteration through the main loop, and if you're issuing multiple such queries in one place...

andlabs commented 6 years ago

All right. @bcampbell, this is a response to the in commit de88440dcd1d990ad693c431d79e0d9a6e5c22ac.

win32 comctl listview TODOs

  • support editing of cells

This will require model changes; I forget if I already planned that out in the model. As for editing text, we'll need to make an edit control much like Windows itself does, which I'll need to figure out...

  • how to determine column width? random sample of data?

LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH has some autosizing constants, but I'm not sure how they integrate with owner-draw or owner-data.

Is the parts system the right abstraction?

I'm not sure either, but it's the best abstraction that I can think of that would still be flexible. If I were to limit myself to what Windows itself is capable of doing, I'd be limited to text columns with images in each column OR checkboxes in the first one and images in others (maybe), and only the first column would be editable. Both GTK+ and Cocoa have a parts-like thing, though in GTK+ the most common approach is to only have one part ("cell renderer") per column. Do you have any better suggestions?

The parts API gives some of the flexiblity, but would likely get in the way if libui went the whole hog on custom item view layouts.

I'd rather have tables remain for columnar data. I do want to have a general-layout ListBox or List control of sorts, but that'll need to be entirely custom — the ListView is probably simply not cut out for things that Explorer doesn't need... I'm not sure though.

API change: support bulk invalidation of model Currently, the only way to notify the control that new data has been added is via the uiTableModelRow[Inserted|Changed|Deleted] functions. This inevitably causes redraws for each item, which can get really slow for large numbers of items.

Are you calling these functions one at a time per main loop iteration? A well-designed GUI framework would merely queue the item rect for redraw if it's visible. If you call these functions multiple times per main loop iteration, those item rects will add together and accumulate into a single redraw for the whole bunch.

That being said, OS X does provide -[NSTableView/NSOutlineView beginUpdates] and -[NSTableView/NSOutlineView endUpdates] (primarily for animation, but IIRC certain methods require these to be called regardless; I forget now). Not sure about Windows (tricks with WM_SETREDRAW, maybe?) or GTK+, though. (Looking at the implementation of GtkListStore and GtkTreeStore might give insights, assuming they even do things in bulk at the API level, which I forget now as well.)

  • sorting (eg clicking on various column headings to change the sort field and order. The user-supplied model needs to handle the sorting, the table control can't help.

Sorting — and filtering too, while we're at it — are interesting cases. I'm not sure how they would work on Windows (though the list view does have a few messages for sorting, I'm not sure how they work with owner-data). GTK+ has GtkTreeModelFilter and GtkTreeModelSort that do most of the work for us. I forget how I did filtering on OS X with my project, and I think NSObjectController has helpers for sorting, but again, I'm not sure.

I think a single uiTableModelAllChanged() function would be enough. The underlying control needs to know that it should to redraw everything visible (and the number of items might have chnaged).

As mentioned above, GTK+ does not support this, or at least v3.10 seems not to. Windows does, kinda (LVM_SETITEMCOUNT), and OS X does (-[NSTableView/NSOutlineView reloadData]).

API change: support flags/styles

  • single or multiselect

Sure. Need to figure out a good API for this.

  • hide column headers?


  • allow column reordering?

Maybe? Not sure how reordering works on GTK+ or OS X (or what I have to change on Windows to make sure things still work, since the API requires either the column number or the column order in different places, and I forget how or where). (The parts system might be useful here, because the parts are the ones that talk to the model, IIRC.)

  • allow column resizing?

Did I not enable this already? I forget now... Either way, the ability to disallow it would also be needed.

What's your current state of the code? Thanks again in the meantime!

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

I'm pretty happy about the code as it stands right now. The biggest deficiency is that the win32 version ignores most of the parts functions and only supports text-only columns.

Stuff I've added:

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

Regarding sorting:

I don't think that the control is in any position to do any sorting of it's own. To do so, it'd need to access every item in the model, which could get out of hand pretty quickly. Imagine the case where the model is backed by a large, on-disk database, for example - the app/model just keeps track of the sort field and 'ascending/descending' order and leaves the heavy lifting to the database. So I think the sorting needs to be left up to the model side. All the table needs to do is allow for the user clicking on columns to pick the sort field and ordering (and a way to be told that the view needs redrawing).

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

Regarding bulk row updates:

The code I'm using to add rows is in my noddy little table example app here:

From my very cursory tests (adding 100000 rows), OSX and windows seem to hold things back for the next update, and run in OK (although not lightning-quick) time, while the Gtk+version seems to run very slowly, and I can see the scrollbar shrinking as it runs...

I'll have a look through the various APIs and see if I can spot any common functionality relevant to bulk updating. (for background: the app I want to use all this stuff for is a database-backed app with upwards of a million rows, with lots of bulk operations for adding, tagging and deleting etc, so that's my motiviation :- )

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

I'd rather have tables remain for columnar data. I do want to have a general-layout ListBox or List control of sorts, but that'll need to be entirely custom — the ListView is probably simply not cut out for things that Explorer doesn't need... I'm not sure though.

Just to illustrate the kinds of layout I was meaning: explorer_listview

(I don't think this one is implemented using comctl ListView, but I could be wrong). This is from the windows 10 file explorer search results, but I've seen this kind of thing across loads of different platforms. Either way, I don't really have any plans (or use) for this, but I figured it was the logical extension of what you started with the parts API, so it was worth bearing in mind.

I think my first choice would be to hold back the parts API and just limit uiTable to textual/numeric data only - in line with the lowest-common-denominator win32 implementation. But that's just me being selfish :- ) The alternatives are to a) keep the whole uiTable back (ugh) or b) document that the parts API doesn't work on windows (I'd be fine with this too).

(out of interest, here's a QML code example - it uses the delegate field to define the layout for a listview. I think it creates a pool of them an recycles them as you scroll )

andlabs commented 6 years ago

(I don't think this one is implemented using comctl ListView, but I could be wrong).

Not anymore, though the code should be somewhat similar... That being said, that's all text and pictures, which are trivial to do using a custom layout and fixed-height items without wasting resources. Adding arbitrary controls is another story (one Explorer has an edge on in that it can access the Windows source code =P ). I guess listview could do it, maybe...

I think my first choice would be to hold back the parts API and just limit uiTable to textual/numeric data only - in line with the lowest-common-denominator win32 implementation. But that's just me being selfish :- )

That could work for now. Something for custom column formats would be ideal later. Especially since I want to do trees eventually too... (And in fact, I wonder if we should be doing this to the tree view instead; see also this.)

b) document that the parts API doesn't work on windows (I'd be fine with this too).

This could work too, but holding back anything beyond just the parts API and editing would be a situation I would not merge into master (so text-only tables should still work on Windows).

(out of interest, here's a QML code example - it uses the delegate field to define the layout for a listview. I think it creates a pool of them an recycles them as you scroll )

Is there a screenshot or runnable example of this?

Some notes to self:

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

holding back anything beyond just the parts API and editing would be a situation I would not merge into master (so text-only tables should still work on Windows).

Yep, that sounds good to me. I don't mind either way about the current parts API (other than not supporting a lot of it under windows for now). I just wanted to make sure it'd been thought through.

re editing: I think the comctl listview handles string editing for you, without any messing about with creating your own controls... I'll check, and see if I can add editing support across the three platforms.

re: the QML example. Sorry, no screenshots, but If you've got Qt/QML installed there's a standalone qml executable which can run QML files. Anyway, I just posted it because it's a simple(ish) example of how it delegates the item display to a separate (and full-blown) widget layout. I like the concept, although when I tried to use it for a non-trivial app I found it slow and cumbersome (I only needed plain text cells!).

andlabs commented 6 years ago

comctl32 listview only supports editing the first column (LVITEM.iSubItem == 0).

Cocoa does something similar to what QML does; I think you need to use nib files for it, but I'm not sure. It's a design that could work for libui's list box view thing, in any case.

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

comctl32 listview only supports editing the first column (LVITEM.iSubItem == 0).

Ha! Of course it does. Thanks Microsoft. Sigh. Windows is just positively riddled with stuff that edges tantalizingly close to competence but ends up having some fundamental flaw which renders it useless except in very specific, limited circumstances...

bcampbell commented 6 years ago

I think I'm recanting my position on uiTable not being able to handle sorting itself : -)

While I think it'd be ideal if the model could be kept nice and abstract and the listview hit the model as sparingly as possible, I think most assumptions are that the model is more-or-less kept in RAM. Fair enough.

So I think it probably makes sense for sorting to be an entirely view-oriented thing, and independent of the model. That is, sorting affects only the view of the model, not the underlying model itself. I've had a peek at GTK, and it's default assumption is sorting the view actually sorts the model too (which isn't what we want, as multiple views can share a model). But it has a handy adaptor, GtkTreeModelSort which handles the sorting while leaving the underlying model unmolested. Looks nice and simple.

I've not yet looked at listview sorting in Cocoa or windows, but that'll be next on my todo list, so I'll report back here then.