andlabs / reallymine

WD MyBook encrypted hard drive decryption (still WIP).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Possible to add a matrix of supported devices? #97

Open apassiou opened 5 years ago

apassiou commented 5 years ago

For instance My Cloud Ex2, WD My Cloud, My Book Duo, My Cloud EX2100 are these all supported?

themaddoctor commented 5 years ago

As far as I know, the Duo is not encrypted. I don't know about MyClouds.

apassiou commented 5 years ago

My Book Duo (pic: seem to be encrypted (or at least not accessible via pulling a drive and plugging it in via USB adapter).

How can I contribute to the project to include support for My Book Duo (pic above), My Cloud EX2 (non ultra) (pic:, EX2100 (pic:, WD My Cloud (pic:

I have all of these devices running with 4 to 6TB drives, and can program in C/C++/C#/Python/Java/Bash.

themaddoctor commented 5 years ago

The best thing you can do to help yourself is keep backups. Do not trust your data to one drive.

The best thing you can do to help with projects like these is to start by finding out which chip you have.