Closed dwilches closed 8 years ago
Same issue. I also use Windows (Windows 10), but with TeXLive (TeX 3.14159265 - TeX Live 2015/W32TeX).
@DWilches @daniboyg this package needs some more work for windows. I am planning on addressing this issue this weekend and putting out a new release.
@DWilches @daniboyg a new release has been published that should address some long standing issues with this package on Windows. Additionally it is important to note on addition I made in the README
. The language-latex
package MUST be installed in order for this package to work because this package is activated only when a .tex file is opened. Feel free to reopen this issue if this does not fix the problem. I have tested it on a Windows 10 machine and everything is working.
I have language-latex
installed and am using the same paths as @DWilches for MiKTeX ("C:\Users\ptendolkar\AppData\Local\Programs\" instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\") . Nothing happens when I compile, no errors are displayed, just fails silently. The latex
package works, however.
Just an update, it appears that the file I was testing this package on was not in a project (although I thought it was). When I opened a previous project's latex file, I was queried to install the pdf-view dependency and then I could compile the .tex file, despite getting synctex errors (i have latexmk installed)
The command for compiling doesn't do anything. Maybe my configuration is incorrect? It would be nice to see a sample configuration in the README of GitHub. This is what I have.
Tex Bin: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin Ghostscript conversion utilities: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin Tex Packages: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tpm\packages