andrewrynhard / atom-latex-plus

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Compilation doesn't work #70

Closed dwilches closed 8 years ago

dwilches commented 8 years ago

The command for compiling doesn't do anything. Maybe my configuration is incorrect? It would be nice to see a sample configuration in the README of GitHub. This is what I have.

Tex Bin: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin Ghostscript conversion utilities: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin Tex Packages: C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\tpm\packages

daniboyg commented 8 years ago

Same issue. I also use Windows (Windows 10), but with TeXLive (TeX 3.14159265 - TeX Live 2015/W32TeX).

andrewrynhard commented 8 years ago

@DWilches @daniboyg this package needs some more work for windows. I am planning on addressing this issue this weekend and putting out a new release.

andrewrynhard commented 8 years ago

@DWilches @daniboyg a new release has been published that should address some long standing issues with this package on Windows. Additionally it is important to note on addition I made in the README. The language-latex package MUST be installed in order for this package to work because this package is activated only when a .tex file is opened. Feel free to reopen this issue if this does not fix the problem. I have tested it on a Windows 10 machine and everything is working.

ptendolkar commented 7 years ago

I have language-latex installed and am using the same paths as @DWilches for MiKTeX ("C:\Users\ptendolkar\AppData\Local\Programs\" instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\") . Nothing happens when I compile, no errors are displayed, just fails silently. The latex package works, however.

ptendolkar commented 7 years ago

Just an update, it appears that the file I was testing this package on was not in a project (although I thought it was). When I opened a previous project's latex file, I was queried to install the pdf-view dependency and then I could compile the .tex file, despite getting synctex errors (i have latexmk installed)