angelacao2109 / ATSResumeTool

An automated tool that optimizes resumes for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Extracts text from PDF files, analyzes keywords using NLP, scores resumes, and provides actionable suggestions to improve ATS compatibility. Built with, spaCy, and pandas.
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Ticket 10:Contextual Relevance Analysis #5

Open angelacao2109 opened 1 month ago

angelacao2109 commented 1 month ago

Objective: Ensure keywords are naturally integrated into resumes.


Estimated Time: 3-5 days

angelacao2109 commented 1 month ago

Importance of Contextual Relevance Analysis

Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

Many applicants try to game the ATS by stuffing their resumes with keywords, which can result in unnatural and less meaningful content. Analyzing the context ensures that the keywords are genuinely relevant to the candidate's experience and skills.

Improve Quality of Matches:

Contextual relevance helps in assessing the true fit of the applicant for the job. By ensuring that keywords are used meaningfully, the ATS can better match candidates to job descriptions, leading to higher-quality matches.

Enhance Candidate Evaluation:

Understanding the context in which keywords appear allows the ATS to evaluate the candidate’s experience more accurately. This can help in differentiating between candidates who mention a keyword in passing and those who have substantial experience with it.

Maintain Resume Readability:

Resumes that are naturally written and contextually accurate are easier for human recruiters to read and understand. This enhances the overall recruitment process when a human reviews the resumes after the ATS screening.

Detailed Tasks for Contextual Relevance Analysis 1. Use spaCy for Dependency Parsing and Contextual Analysis Dependency Parsing: This involves analyzing the grammatical structure of sentences to understand the relationships between words. spaCy provides tools to parse sentences and identify dependencies, which can be used to determine if keywords are used in a meaningful way. Contextual Analysis: This involves checking if keywords are used in a context that makes sense for the given job description. For instance, if "Python" appears in a resume, contextual analysis would check if it's used in relation to relevant experience or projects.

2. Write a Script to Check the Context of Keywords in Resumes Script Functionality: The script would parse resumes and identify keywords. Then, using the dependency parse tree, it would analyze the context in which these keywords are used. Contextual Rules: Define rules or use machine learning models to assess whether the keyword usage is natural. For example, check if "Python" appears alongside verbs like "developed," "used," or "implemented" to confirm relevant experience.