angrycaptain19 / automated-advent-of-code-2023

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Advent of Code Solutions

This repository contains solutions for the Advent of Code challenges.

Day 1: Trebuchet?!

Part 1: Calibration Values

Extracts calibration values from a document by combining first and last digits from each line.

To run the solution:

python -m day1.part1

To run tests:

pytest day1/ -v

Part 2: Spelled-Out Numbers

Enhances calibration value extraction to handle both numeric digits and spelled-out numbers (e.g., "one", "two", etc.). Handles overlapping cases and combines first and last found digits.

To run the solution:

python -m day1.part2

To run tests:

pytest day1/ -v

Day 2: Cube Conundrum

Analyzes records of cube games to determine which games would be possible with a limited set of colored cubes.

Part 1: Possible Games

Determines which games would have been possible if the bag contained:

To run the solution:

python -m day2.part1

To run tests:

pytest day2/ -v

Project Structure

└── day1/
    └── input.txt