Closed ctwoolsey closed 8 years ago
This issue was caused by using leaflet 1.0.1 I went back and used leaflet 0.7.0
Please use leaflet-1.X branch
@ctwoolsey Do u solve this issue?
@morfair Yes
How use leaflet-1.X branch?
@AlexeyKorkoza I'm not sure what your question is. But has lots of documentation and tutorial on how to use leaflet.js. It appears they are now on version 1.0.3.
It issue do not solved.
@ctwoolsey sorry, how?
@morfair It has been a while since I dealt with this issue and I don't remember all of the details of how I got it working. Here is my relevant code, though:
For the markers & Icon definition:
For the ui-leaflet usage see line#23:
You can check out the index.html file and bower.json files to see the versioning of leaflet & ui-leaflet. I believe that I ended up using leaflet 1.0.2 and ui-leaflet 3.0 (I downloaded a local copy and referenced it since at the time it was not available via bower.
I hope this helps.
@AlexeyKorkoza , @ctwoolsey You can download leaflet-1.X branch or use bower as:
bower install angular-ui/ui-leaflet#leaflet-1.X --save
I had this issue as well (ui-leaflet 1.0.3 and leaflet 1.0.3) and manually setting the icon as in @morfair link did the trick.
Hi @gecko-8,
You are using ui-leaflet 1.0.3, please use the branch leaflet-1.X, it's 3.0.0 ui-leaflet version.
I have installed the leaflet and ui-leaflet via bower. This is the line in my html:
<leaflet id="mapid" lf-center="ctrl.courtOnMap" markers="ctrl.courtMarkers"></leaflet>
When I look in the browser debug console at the source code this is what I find for the source of the marker:
<div class="leaflet-pane leaflet-marker-pane"><img tabindex="0" class="leaflet-marker-icon leaflet-zoom-animated leaflet-interactive" style="width: 25px; height: 41px; margin-top: -41px; margin-left: -12px; z-index: 125; transform: translate3d(278px, 125px, 0px);" src="http://localhost:9000/bower_components/leaflet/dist/images/
I have temporarily fixed this issue by pointing the icon images to the leaflet image name. Starting at line 2092:
if (!isDefined(iconData) || !isDefined(iconData.iconUrl)) { return new L.Icon.Default({ iconUrl: "marker-icon.png",//base64icon, shadowUrl: "marker-shadow.png",//base64shadow, iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [1, -34], shadowSize: [41, 41] }); }