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Toggle ui-view template according current state #2987

Closed ShakurOo closed 8 years ago

ShakurOo commented 8 years ago

I trying to use one ui-view directive for two differentes states with two differents templates.

I have 3 levels of states :

  1. Profile (
  2. Inbox (
  3. Discussion (
$stateProvider look's like :

        .state('profil', {
            url: '/profil',
            templateUrl: 'partials/profil.tpl.html',
            redirectTo: 'profil.activites',
            controller: 'profilCtrl',
            controllerAs: 'profil'          
        .state('profil.inbox', {
            url: '/inbox',
            metaTags: {
                title: 'inbox'
            views: {
                'inbox' : {
                    controller: 'profilCtrl',
                    controllerAs: 'profil',
                    templateUrl: 'partials/tabs-profil/inbox.html',
                    resolve: {
                        user: function() {
        .state('profil.inbox.discussion', {
            url: '/:id_thread',
            metaTags: {
                title: 'Discussion with {{author}}'
            views: {
                'inbox@profil.inbox' : {
                    controller: 'profilCtrl',
                    controllerAs: 'profil',
                    templateUrl: 'partials/tabs-profil/discussion.html',
                    resolve: {
                        user: function() {

The html look's like similar :

  <!-- INDEX -->
        <div ui-view></div> <!-- Contain Profile -->

    <!-- PAGE PROFIL -->
    <div id="profile">
            <uib-tab index="2" ui-sref="profil.inbox">

                <div ui-view="inbox"></div> <!-- I WANT TOGGLE "TEMPLATE INOX" WITH "TEMPLATE DISCUSSION" BASED ON STATE -->                

    <!-- TEMPLATE INBOX -->
    <div id="inbox" class="tab">

    <div id="discussion" class="tab">

The ui-view in tab must change according the current state, any idea ?


christopherthielen commented 8 years ago

I understand that when profil.inbox is active you want inbox.html to fill the ui-view='inbox', but when profil.inbox.discussion is active, you want the discussion.html to take the place of the inbox.html and fill the ui-view='inbox'.

I think you're on the right track, except that your view targeting looks wrong. I think 'inbox@profil.inbox' should be 'inbox@profil'.

When using view targeting in the profil.inbox state, the views: { 'inbox': ... is shorthand for 'inbox@profil' --- the ui-view named 'inbox' that was created in the parent (profil) state

In profil.inbox.discussion state, views: { 'inbox@profil.inbox': targets the ui-view named 'inbox' that was created in the profil.inbox state. However, that ui-view was created in the profil state.

Check out the view targeting documentation and the source for the sample app which does a similar thing