Open 50l3r opened 8 years ago
I have this html code
<div class="col-lg-8"> {{Item.CotoNombre}} <select id="PaisId" ui-select2="select2Relative(Item)" ng-model="PaisId" class="select2-single form-control"> <option value="iphone4">iPhone 4</option> <option value="iphone5">iPhone 5</option> <option value="iphone6">iPhone 6</option> </select> </div>
and this is my Controller with ui-select2 function:
'use strict'; app.controller('AppController', function($scope, $controller, $rootScope, $state, $stateParams, AppFactory, AuthFactory, CRUD_CONFIG) { angular.extend(this, $controller('CoreController', {$scope: $scope})); $scope.AppPermalink = $stateParams.AppPermalink; $scope.init = function() { $scope.getApp(); switch(${ case "appedit": $scope.getItem(); break; } } /** * [Obtener informacion de aplicacion] */ $scope.getApp = function() { AppFactory.Applications($stateParams.AppPermalink).success(function(data) { $rootScope.App = data[0]; $scope.AppPermalink = data[0].Permalink; $scope.getResults(); }).error(function() { //No se ha encontrado la app 404 }); } /** * [Listar registros] */ $scope.getResults = function() { AppFactory.Items($stateParams.AppPermalink).success(function(data) { $scope.Results =; $scope.ResultsCount =; }).error(function() { $scope.ResultsCount = 0; }); } /** * Ficha de registro */ $scope.getItem = function() { AppFactory.Item($stateParams.AppPermalink, $stateParams.ItemId).success(function(data) { $scope.Item =[0]; }).error(function() { //No se ha encontrado la app 404 }); } /** * [Eliminar registro] * @param {int} Item [Registro] */ $scope.removeItem = function(Item) { AppFactory.RemoveItem($scope.Permalink, Item._EntityId).success(function(data) { var index = $scope.Results.indexOf(Item); $scope.Results.splice(Item, 1); }).error(function() { //Error al borrar }); } $scope.select2Relative = function(Field) { console.log(Field); return { multiple: true, ajax: { url: CRUD_CONFIG.apiUrl+"/"+CRUD_CONFIG.appFarm+"/apps/get/" + $stateParams.AppPermalink, method: "GET", dataType: 'json', data: function (term, page) { return { filters: "{\""+Field+"\": {\"type\": 4, \"string\": "+term.term+"}}", page: page }; }, results: function (data, page) { return {results: data}; } }, formatResult: function(object, container, query) { return; } } } /** * [Obtener valor de campo segun su tipo] * @param {[type]} Field [Campo de aplicacion] * @param {[type]} Result [Registro] */ $scope.renderValueField = function(Field, Result) { if(Field.Type.lastIndexOf("[")>0){ var FieldType = Field.Type.substring(0,Field.Type.lastIndexOf("[")); }else{ var FieldType = Field.Type; } switch(FieldType){ case "relative": var Vars = angular.fromJson(Field.Vars); return Result[Field.Name][Vars.relative]; break; case "multiple_relative": var Vars = angular.fromJson(Field.Vars); var res = ""; angular.forEach(Result[Field.Name], function(value, key) { res = res + value[Vars.relative]+", "; }); return res.trim().substring(0,(res.length - 2)); break; default: return Result[Field.Name]; } } $scope.init(); });
Field are undefined vars but should not. "Item.CotoNombre" prints me the value but ui-select2 cant get param.
I need to pass a dinamic url and params to my ajax call and i dont know other method.
What do I do wrong?
I have this html code
and this is my Controller with ui-select2 function:
Field are undefined vars but should not. "Item.CotoNombre" prints me the value but ui-select2 cant get param.
I need to pass a dinamic url and params to my ajax call and i dont know other method.
What do I do wrong?