Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago
Looks like there's a problem with libcurl (which is used for the opendap
capability in the netcdf lib). You could try setting USE_NCCONFIG to 1, and
the nc-config utility will be used to determine what libs to link. Running
'nc-config --libs' on the command line give you that information.
My guess is there is not much you can do other than fixing whatever the problem
is with libcurl and/or libnetcdf. You may be using a 32-bit python with a
64-bit lib, or vice versa.
Original comment by
on 8 Oct 2013 at 2:05
Thank you,
After keeping nc-config as true I compiled and now the error tells it import netCDF4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "netCDF4.pyx", line 821, in init netCDF4 (netCDF4.c:41220)
ImportError: netCDF4 module must be linked against HDF5 version 1.8.4-patch1 or
higher, got 1.8.11
I am not sure why it gives an error while it says any thing above 1.8.4 is
with best regards,
below is my nc-config
sjo@f2n2login2../PYthon_modules~$ nc-config --all
This netCDF 4.1.3 has been built with the following features:
--cc -> xlc
--cflags -> -I/gpfs1/sjo/pkgs/local/include -I/gpfs1/sjo/pkgs/local/include
--libs -> -L/gpfs1/sjo/pkgs/local/lib -lnetcdf
--cxx -> /usr/vacpp/bin/xlC
--has-c++ -> yes
--fc -> /bin/xlf95
--fflags -> -I/gpfs1/sjo/pkgs/local/include
--flibs -> -L/gpfs1/sjo/pkgs/local/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
--has-f77 -> yes
--has-f90 -> yes
--has-dap -> yes
--has-nc2 -> yes
--has-nc4 -> yes
--has-hdf5 -> yes
--has-hdf4 -> no
--has-pnetcdf-> no
--has-szlib ->
--prefix -> /gpfs1/sjo/pkgs/local
--includedir-> /gpfs1/sjo/pkgs/local/include
--version -> netCDF 4.1.3
Original comment by
on 8 Oct 2013 at 4:07
The 1.8.11 error was fixed a while ago, if you update that should go away.
If the libcurl error persists, you could rebuild netcdf with --disable-dap and
it won't link libcurl. Of course, then you lose opendap.
Original comment by
on 8 Oct 2013 at 4:10
Original comment by
on 26 Feb 2014 at 2:04
Original issue reported on by
on 8 Oct 2013 at 9:58