ansys / pymotorcad
MIT License
13 stars 1 forks source link


|pyansys| |python| |pypi| |GH-CI| |codecov| |MIT| |black|

.. |pyansys| image::;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAIAAACQkWg2AAABDklEQVQ4jWNgoDfg5mD8vE7q/3bpVyskbW0sMRUwofHD7Dh5OBkZGBgW7/3W2tZpa2tLQEOyOzeEsfumlK2tbVpaGj4N6jIs1lpsDAwMJ278sveMY2BgCA0NFRISwqkhyQ1q/Nyd3zg4OBgYGNjZ2ePi4rB5loGBhZnhxTLJ/9ulv26Q4uVk1NXV/f///////69du4Zdg78lx//t0v+3S88rFISInD59GqIH2esIJ8G9O2/XVwhjzpw5EAam1xkkBJn/bJX+v1365hxxuCAfH9+3b9/+////48cPuNehNsS7cDEzMTAwMMzb+Q2u4dOnT2vWrMHu9ZtzxP9vl/69RVpCkBlZ3N7enoDXBwEAAA+YYitOilMVAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC :target: :alt: PyAnsys

.. |python| image:: :target: :alt: Python

.. |pypi| image:: :target: :alt: PyPI

.. |codecov| image:: :target: :alt: Codecov

.. |GH-CI| image:: :target: :alt: GH-CI

.. |MIT| image:: :target: :alt: MIT

.. |black| image:: :target: :alt: Black


Ansys Motor-CAD is a dedicated design and analysis tool for electric motors. It enables rapid and accurate multiphysics design and analysis of electric machines across the full-operating spectrum.

PyMotorCAD uses a Python JSON-RPC (remote procedure call) interface for Motor-CAD to launch or connect with a Motor-CAD instance, either locally or from a remote machine via HTTP. With PyMotorCAD, you can programmatically create, interact with, and control a Motor-CAD model, with or without using the Motor-CAD GUI.

Documentation and issues

Documentation for the latest stable release of PyMotorCAD is hosted at PyMotorCAD documentation <>_.

In the upper right corner of the documentation's title bar, there is an option for switching from viewing the documentation for the latest stable release to viewing the documentation for the development version or previously released versions.

You can also view <>_ or download <>_ the PyMotorCAD cheat sheet. This one-page reference provides syntax rules and commands for using PyMotorCAD.

On the PyMotorCAD Issues <> page, you can create issues to report bugs and request new features. On the Discussions <> page on the Ansys Developer portal, you can post questions, share ideas, and get community feedback.

To reach the project support team, email <>_.


PyMotorCAD has two installation modes: user and developer.

Install in user mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Before installing PyMotorCAD in user mode, run this command to ensure that you have the latest version of pip_:

.. code:: bash

python -m pip install -U pip

Then, run this command to install PyMotorCAD:

.. code:: bash

python -m pip install ansys-motorcad-core

Install in developer mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Installing PyMotorCAD in developer mode allows you to modify the source and enhance it.

Note: Before contributing to this project, ensure that you are familiar with all guidelines in the PyAnsys Developer's Guide_.

To install in developer mode, complete these steps:

. Clone the pymotorcad repository with this command:

.. code:: bash

    git clone

. Create a fresh-clean Python environment and then activate it with these


.. code:: bash

    # Create a virtual environment
    python -m venv .venv

    # Activate it in a POSIX system
    source .venv/bin/activate

    # Activate it in Windows CMD environment

    # Activate it in Windows Powershell

. Ensure that you have the latest required build system and

documentation, testing, and CI tools with this command:

.. code:: bash

    python -m pip install -U pip tox

. Install the project in editable mode with this command:

.. code:: bash

    python -m pip install --editable ansys-motorcad-core

. Verify your development installation with this command:

.. code:: bash



This project takes advantage of tox_. This tool allows you to automate common development tasks (similar to Makefile), but it is oriented towards Python development.

While Makefile has rules, tox has environments. In fact, tox creates its own virtual environment to guarantee the project's integrity by isolating anything being tested.

tox commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Here are commands for running various checks in the tox environment:

Raw testing ^^^^^^^^^^^

If required, you can call style commands, such as black, isort, and flake8, or unit testing commands, such aspytest, from the command line. However, using these commands does not guarantee that your project is being tested in an isolated environment, which is why tools like tox_ exist.

Style checks

The style checks take advantage of pre-commit_. Developers are not forced but encouraged to install this tool by running this command:

.. code:: bash

python -m pip install pre-commit && pre-commit install

Documentation builds

To build documentation, you can run the usual rules provided in the Sphinx_ Makefile with a command like this:

.. code:: bash

make -C doc/ html && your_browser_name doc/html/index.html

However, the recommended way of checking documentation integrity is to use a tox command like this:

.. code:: bash

tox -e doc && your_browser_name .tox/doc_out/index.html


If you would like to create either source or wheel files, run the following commands to install the building requirements and execute the build module:

.. code:: bash

python -m pip install -U pip
python -m build
python -m twine check dist/*

License and acknowledgements

PyMotorCAD is licensed under the MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE <>_ file.

PyMotorCAD makes no commercial claim over Ansys whatsoever. This library extends the capability of Ansys Motor-CAD by adding a Python interface to Motor-CAD without changing the core behaviour or license of the original software. Using PyMotorCAD for interactive control of Motor-CAD requires a legally licensed copy of Motor-CAD.

For more information on Motor-CAD, see the Ansys Motor-CAD <>_ page on the Ansys website.

.. LINKS AND REFERENCES .. _black: .. _flake8: .. _isort: .. _pip: .. _pre-commit: .. _PyAnsys Developer's Guide: .. _pytest: .. _Sphinx: .. _tox: