anthonyCarton / FleetMaven

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FleetMaven is a company that drives Colorado fleet managers toward improved air quality through better business decisions. Businesses can spend upwards of 200 hours analyzing information for fleet vehicle purchases, Fleet Maven saves them time and money by helping them generate cost-benefit analysis that include alternative fuel vehicles. This cost/benefit analysis includes information like fuel projections based on average fuel prices in Colorado, average prices of recently sold vehicles (rather than MSRPs), and localized range analysis based on the terrain of the area (rather than a national average).

Getting Started

Frameworks and libraries:

Unsemantic CSS Framework

The site is structured, responsively at the tablet and desktop levels, using Unsemantic's CSS Framework. The mobile version is not complete, as information is created on desktops and consumed on mobile. Unsemantic CSS Framwork


Adobe's TypeKit is used for Typography on the site. Adobe Typekit


FleetMaven uses jQuery's CDN for DOM manipulation and .ajax() jQuery


The carousel on the index.shtml page was built based on a tutorial at w3schools w3schools


FleetMaven uses a variety of databases that return both XML and JSON objects (which is a real pain BTW). In addition, the use of the Insomnia REST Client was a gamechanger. Insomnia (non-CO)

FleetMaven uses databases to populate automotive Makes, Models, and Options, as well as getting fuel economy information. (non-CO) is currently using's vehicle database to reference prices. We are doing this because the database that includes both pricing and eco information (Edmunds) shut down their API this spring.

Data.Colorado.Gov (CO) uses databases from to reference fuelprices (Gasoline Averages, Compressed Natural Gas Averages, and Electricity Prices) to project fuel prices over the next up to 7 years for cost of ownership information. Colorado Gas Prices Electricity Revenue in CO Natural Gas Prices in CO

TODO: uses Charging Station Locations and Truck Station Electrification to locate charging stations for electric vehicles. Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicle Charging Station Locations in Colorado Truck Station Electrification in Colorado 2014

TODO: uses Highway Curves and Grades in Colorado to provide localized range analysis for users. Highway Curves and Grades in Colorado

TODO: uses Alternative Energy Laws and Incentives in Colorado 2014 to identify applicable incentives to provide users accurate purchase pricing information. Alternative Energy Laws and Incentives in Colorado 2014

In addition to these, we also used the database Professional and Occupational Licenses in Colorado to estimate our potential market in the state. Professional and Occupational Licenses in Colorado

We are also referencing Fuel Averages and Mileage Averages from the US Dept. of Energy's Alternative Fuels Data Center. The charging station map is currently a plugin from the AFDC Alternative Fuels Data Center

Usage:'s minimum viable product can be used to compare the prices of two vehicles, a conventionally fuelled vehicle and an alternative or advanced technology vehicle.