aodn / aodn-portal

AODN Open Geospatial Portal
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Bounding box filter on step 1 not bringing all the collections #2956

Open evacougnon opened 1 year ago

evacougnon commented 1 year ago

This issue tracker is only for AODN Portal issues.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Step 1 of Portal systest
  2. Expend the "Geographic Boundary" filter
  3. Selected a bounding box just off Davis station in Antarctica (est of the Amery ice shelf, or south est of the Kerguelen plateau -- see screenshot below)

Expected behaviour

List all the collections with data matching the bounding box selected in the filters

Actual behaviour

The results give at least 3 collections without data for the selected area:


If the issue is related to the GUI, screenshots can be added to this issue via drag & drop. Screenshot from 2023-03-30 15-08-05

What version of the aodn portal are you using?


Which browser are you using?


Any extra information that might be useful in the debugging process.

This is normally the contents of a debug.log or config.log file. Raw text or a link to a pastebin type site are preferred. Associated test:

PR @craigrose

DOD @vietnguyengit

Chetnamann commented 1 year ago

same issue

What version of the aodn portal are you using? 4.42.104

Which browser are you using? Chrome

vfisaac commented 1 year ago

Feedback from Nat - these 2 external collections can be ignored due to the spatial extent in their metadata records

atkinsn commented 1 year ago

The issue with the SOOP SST collection, is that for some reason Geonetwork is combining all the spatial extents into 1 bounding box, hence the false results. image

Contrast with another collection which is maintaining its accurate spatial extents in Geonetwork full view IMOS - SOOP Expendable Bathythermographs (XBT) Research Group - XBT real-time data image

utas-raymondng commented 1 year ago

Side note, if you click the more button, it seems point to the wrong page? more


atkinsn commented 1 year ago

Side note, if you click the more button, it seems point to the wrong page? more


Weird - its the right metadata record, as the title is correct, however the Point of truth URL points to one of its sister records (also in the Portal). I will delete it, and re-harvest.

atkinsn commented 1 year ago

CSIRO have the wrong point of truth URL on this record, I will reach out to them to amend

atkinsn commented 1 year ago

CSIRO have fixed it :)

utas-raymondng commented 1 year ago

investigation notes on how to repeat the case:

How to re-produce

  1. You run a genetwork instance on your local PC.
  2. Export the XML from catalogue-imos or other geonetwork of this UUID ca15915b-38c5-4e95-8d25-9cc42c4dd485, attached file
  3. Run this url&fast=index)
  4. You see this appear in the output XML
    <geonet:info xmlns:geonet="">
    <category internal="true">dataset</category>

    Which is not expected

Why geonetwork return this

I have no idea at the moment, the problem goes down to this particular class, so if you set a break point to this line for class org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope method

public boolean intersects(Envelope other) {
    if (!this.isNull() && !other.isNull()) {
        return !(other.minx > this.maxx) && !(other.maxx < this.minx) && !(other.miny > this.maxy) && !(other.maxy < this.miny);
    } else {
        return false;

The first return line return true for some of the bounding box area namely (a) Env[minx = 87.890625 : maxx = 97.20703125, miny = -67.984375 : maxy = -61.48046875], matches this (b) Env[minx = -180, maxx = 180, min y = -70, ,maxy = 50]. Where (b) comes I have no clue. (a) comes from the request link query parameter geometory=POLYGON((87.890625 -61.48046875,97.20703125 -61.83203125,95.44921875 -67.984375,90.17578125 -67.10546875,87.890625 -61.48046875))

The geonetwork in this case use relation = overlaps_bbox class to do the compare. (OverlapsBBoxFilter.class)

The calling class is SearchManager.class and there it provision the filter class

types.put("encloses".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(ContainsFilter.class));
types.put("crosses".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(CrossesFilter.class));
types.put("fullyOutsideOf".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(IsFullyOutsideOfFilter.class));
types.put("equal".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(EqualsFilter.class));
types.put("intersection".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(IntersectionFilter.class));
types.put("overlaps".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(OverlapsFilter.class));
types.put("touches".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(TouchesFilter.class));
types.put("within_bbox".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(WithinBBoxFilter.class));
types.put("overlaps_bbox".toLowerCase(), SearchManager.constructor(OverlapsBBoxFilter.class));

and the filter happens in this method, and finally call intersects in the Environment -> intersects()

public SpatialFilter filter(Query query, int numHits, Collection<Geometry> geom, Element request) throws Exception {

            SpatialFilter var6;
            try {
                String relation = Util.getParam(request, "relation", "intersection");
                if (geom.size() != 1) {
                    Collection<SpatialFilter> filters = new ArrayList(geom.size());
                    Envelope bounds = null;

                    Geometry geometry;
                    for(Iterator var8 = geom.iterator(); var8.hasNext(); filters.add(((Constructor)this._types.get(relation)).newInstance(query, numHits, geometry, new SearchManager.Spatial.SpatialIndexAccessor()))) {
                        geometry = (Geometry);
                        if (bounds == null) {
                            bounds = geometry.getEnvelopeInternal();
                        } else {
utas-raymondng commented 1 year ago

@ggalibert mentioned that it maybe a low priority task given portal on demise path.