Open asfimport opened 2 years ago
Weston Pace / @westonpace: I believe at this point we have tackled the segmentation faults as part of the R bindings PR. Given that we are probably not going to proceed with exposing this feature via R until the randomness issue is resolved we will want to port those fixes into their own PR. I'll create a new issue for this. We can retitle this issue to focus on the randomness issue (since we have a lot of good content in the description).
Regarding the randomness issue, @jonkeane @save-buffer and I had a brief chat. This shouldn't interfere with our ability to do internal profiling but we likely prevents using the generated data for benchmarking (where we want to make sure we are more consistent and deterministic). We currently generate data and random numbers in a column-major fashion. The official generators generate data and random numbers in a row-major fashion. In addition, we generate data across multiple threads which could cause issues as well.
We could write a separate row-major generator (hopefully sharing some utilities) or we could try and use the generator as is and instead generate a table of random numbers for each batch and then transpose it and use the transposed random numbers. Or we could generate a large batch of random numbers and "seek" around the batch. There may be other complications as well to ensure compatibility between the two generators. This will probably be a significant chunk of work.
Jonathan Keane / @jonkeane: Agreed. Either of those approaches sound like they might be fruitful! It's a bit hidden above, but might also be helpful and is where it looks like it's set|unset.
Also note that the answers for queries that include anything besides aggregations of numerics will have randomness with random data (so we can't quite count on the answers being close enough in the limit with enough samples)
> library(arrowbench)
> library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
> options(arrow.skip_nul = TRUE)
> query_id <- 2
> input_funcs <- get_input_func(
+ engine = "arrow",
+ scale_factor = 1,
+ query_id = query_id,
+ format = "parquet"
+ )
> result <- get_query_func(query_id, "arrow")(input_funcs)
> ans <- tpch_answer(1, query_id = query_id)
> waldo::compare(result, ans)
old vs new
s_acctbal s_name n_name p_partkey p_mfgr s_address s_phone s_comment
- old[1, ] 9973.06 Supplie#r000009288 UNITED KINGDOM 79287 Manufacturer#4 RiRNXmGRQdw1lbm5hcjV94 33-645-115-8290 tions snooze permanently final sentiments --daring, close pinto beans should have to eat
+ new[1, ] 9938.53 Supplier#000005359 UNITED KINGDOM 185358 Manufacturer#4 bgxj2K0w1kJvxYl5mhCfou,W 33-429-790-6131 uriously regular requests hag
- old[2, ] 9955.58 Supplie#r000008234 GERMANY 88233 Manufacturer#5 yg83WC5I YIhQPeTMQmXa 17-560-538-8734 s promise; silent pinto beans may use? furious theodolites wake ruthlessly duri
+ new[2, ] 9937.84 Supplier#000005969 ROMANIA 108438 Manufacturer#1 rdnmd9c8EG1EIAYY3LPVa4yUNx6OwyVaQ 29-520-692-3537 efully express instructions. regular requests against the slyly fin
- old[3, ] 9946.47 Supplie#r000001975 RUSSIA 161974 Manufacturer#1 wdsf5tQIrJKBNmu8I eY pmAv akzRDSydc 32-937-928-5861 the sometimes permanent frets must haggle som
+ new[3, ] 9936.22 Supplier#000005250 UNITED KINGDOM 249 Manufacturer#4 qX AB0vP8mJEWeBuY9jri 33-320-228-2957 etect about the furiously final accounts. slyly ironic pinto beans sleep inside the furiously
- old[4, ] 9938.94 Supplie#r000006635 FRANCE 41626 Manufacturer#5 kIxC63UH H0et,bSwBA6O81PJ 16-750-637-3467 e through the idly daring warhorses --permanent patterns serve; escapades over th
+ new[4, ] 9923.77 Supplier#000002324 GERMANY 29821 Manufacturer#4 uXcnR7tv87dG 17-779-299-1839 ackages boost blithely. blithely regular deposits c
- old[5, ] 9916.93 Supplie#r000004383 ROMANIA 84382 Manufacturer#5 tkEkQY F4J4JDu2WRYDk,owFCP7Qh1eOgHWSk9 29-283-925-2487 telets could poach busy waters! bl
+ new[5, ] 9871.22 Supplier#000006373 GERMANY 43868 Manufacturer#5 iSLO35z7Ae 17-813-485-8637 etect blithely bold asymptotes. fluffily ironic platelets wake furiously; blit
- old[6, ] 9884.91 Supplie#r000009799 RUSSIA 24794 Manufacturer#5 YvXpPGXYAg2TJLZJDW3LtRqbv97RzF6As 32-406-413-9944 the always furious pains
+ new[6, ] 9870.78 Supplier#000001286 GERMANY 81285 Manufacturer#2 3gq0mZLHI5OTM6 tBYmLTHZaulCYnlECzQ7nj 17-516-924-4574 regular accounts. furiously unusual courts above the fi
- old[7, ] 9884.91 Supplie#r000009799 RUSSIA 34792 Manufacturer#2 YvXpPGXYAg2TJLZJDW3LtRqbv97RzF6As 32-406-413-9944 the always furious pains
+ new[7, ] 9870.78 Supplier#000001286 GERMANY 181285 Manufacturer#4 3gq0mZLHI5OTM6 tBYmLTHZaulCYnlECzQ7nj 17-516-924-4574 regular accounts. furiously unusual courts above the fi
- old[8, ] 9836.42 Supplie#r000001571 UNITED KINGDOM 39067 Manufacturer#3 8lAIPuLFKWVfDQO LXavjzxLkVNF0sw8a6 33-788-833-6417 dogged orbits beyond the escapades shall
+ new[8, ] 9852.52 Supplier#000008973 RUSSIA 18972 Manufacturer#2 zVfUT3Np22kUC05tYWHBotaR 32-188-594-7038 rns wake final foxes. carefully unusual depende
- old[9, ] 9836.42 Supplie#r000001571 UNITED KINGDOM 134031 Manufacturer#2 8lAIPuLFKWVfDQO LXavjzxLkVNF0sw8a6 33-788-833-6417 dogged orbits beyond the escapades shall
+ new[9, ] 9847.83 Supplier#000008097 RUSSIA 130557 Manufacturer#2 veMRTQBmUResNvfD3 32-375-640-3593 the special excuses. silent sentiments serve carefully final ac
- old[10, ] 9781.88 Supplie#r000005361 ROMANIA 2860 Manufacturer#4 lZYHncM3vjsXc3PPqaFlTO 29-345-620-9471 players --daring, careful forges past the enticing, thin sentiments try to kindle stealthily fr
+ new[10, ] 9847.57 Supplier#000006345 FRANCE 86344 Manufacturer#1 68yX tGXAkVRSxUGNSjJdptw 8O878xaFnaoQK 16-886-766-7945 ges. slyly regular requests are. ruthless, express excuses cajole blithely across the unu
and 90 more ...
old$s_acctbal | new$s_acctbal
[1] 9973.1 - 9938.5 [1]
[2] 9955.6 - 9937.8 [2]
[3] 9946.5 - 9936.2 [3]
[4] 9938.9 - 9923.8 [4]
[5] 9916.9 - 9871.2 [5]
[6] 9884.9 - 9870.8 [6]
[7] 9884.9 - 9870.8 [7]
[8] 9836.4 - 9852.5 [8]
[9] 9836.4 - 9847.8 [9]
[10] 9781.9 - 9847.6 [10]
... ... ... and 90 more ...
old$s_name | new$s_name
[1] "Supplie#r000009288" - "Supplier#000005359" [1]
[2] "Supplie#r000008234" - "Supplier#000005969" [2]
[3] "Supplie#r000001975" - "Supplier#000005250" [3]
[4] "Supplie#r000006635" - "Supplier#000002324" [4]
[5] "Supplie#r000004383" - "Supplier#000006373" [5]
[6] "Supplie#r000009799" - "Supplier#000001286" [6]
[7] "Supplie#r000009799" - "Supplier#000001286" [7]
[8] "Supplie#r000001571" - "Supplier#000008973" [8]
[9] "Supplie#r000001571" - "Supplier#000008097" [9]
[10] "Supplie#r000005361" - "Supplier#000006345" [10]
... ... ... and 90 more ...
old$n_name | new$n_name
[2] "GERMANY" - "ROMANIA" [2]
[4] "FRANCE" - "GERMANY" [4]
[5] "ROMANIA" - "GERMANY" [5]
[6] "RUSSIA" - "GERMANY" [6]
[7] "RUSSIA" - "GERMANY" [7]
[10] "ROMANIA" - "FRANCE" [10]
... ... ... and 90 more ...
old$p_partkey | new$p_partkey
[1] 79287 - 185358 [1]
[2] 88233 - 108438 [2]
[3] 161974 - 249 [3]
[4] 41626 - 29821 [4]
[5] 84382 - 43868 [5]
[6] 24794 - 81285 [6]
[7] 34792 - 181285 [7]
[8] 39067 - 18972 [8]
[9] 134031 - 130557 [9]
[10] 2860 - 86344 [10]
... ... ... and 90 more ...
old$p_mfgr | new$p_mfgr
[1] "Manufacturer#4" | "Manufacturer#4" [1]
[2] "Manufacturer#5" - "Manufacturer#1" [2]
[3] "Manufacturer#1" - "Manufacturer#4" [3]
[4] "Manufacturer#5" - "Manufacturer#4" [4]
[5] "Manufacturer#5" | "Manufacturer#5" [5]
[6] "Manufacturer#5" - "Manufacturer#2" [6]
[7] "Manufacturer#2" - "Manufacturer#4" [7]
[8] "Manufacturer#3" - "Manufacturer#2" [8]
[9] "Manufacturer#2" | "Manufacturer#2" [9]
[10] "Manufacturer#4" - "Manufacturer#1" [10]
... ... ... and 90 more ...
old$s_address vs new$s_address
- "RiRNXmGRQdw1lbm5hcjV94"
+ "bgxj2K0w1kJvxYl5mhCfou,W"
- "yg83WC5I YIhQPeTMQmXa"
+ "rdnmd9c8EG1EIAYY3LPVa4yUNx6OwyVaQ"
- "wdsf5tQIrJKBNmu8I eY pmAv akzRDSydc"
+ "qX AB0vP8mJEWeBuY9jri"
- "kIxC63UH H0et,bSwBA6O81PJ"
+ "uXcnR7tv87dG"
- "tkEkQY F4J4JDu2WRYDk,owFCP7Qh1eOgHWSk9"
+ "iSLO35z7Ae"
+ "3gq0mZLHI5OTM6 tBYmLTHZaulCYnlECzQ7nj"
+ "3gq0mZLHI5OTM6 tBYmLTHZaulCYnlECzQ7nj"
- "8lAIPuLFKWVfDQO LXavjzxLkVNF0sw8a6 "
+ "zVfUT3Np22kUC05tYWHBotaR"
- "8lAIPuLFKWVfDQO LXavjzxLkVNF0sw8a6 "
+ "veMRTQBmUResNvfD3"
- "lZYHncM3vjsXc3PPqaFlTO"
+ "68yX tGXAkVRSxUGNSjJdptw 8O878xaFnaoQK"
and 90 more ...
old$s_phone | new$s_phone
[1] "33-645-115-8290" - "33-429-790-6131" [1]
[2] "17-560-538-8734" - "29-520-692-3537" [2]
[3] "32-937-928-5861" - "33-320-228-2957" [3]
[4] "16-750-637-3467" - "17-779-299-1839" [4]
[5] "29-283-925-2487" - "17-813-485-8637" [5]
[6] "32-406-413-9944" - "17-516-924-4574" [6]
[7] "32-406-413-9944" - "17-516-924-4574" [7]
[8] "33-788-833-6417" - "32-188-594-7038" [8]
[9] "33-788-833-6417" - "32-375-640-3593" [9]
[10] "29-345-620-9471" - "16-886-766-7945" [10]
... ... ... and 90 more ...
old$s_comment vs new$s_comment
- "tions snooze permanently final sentiments --daring, close pinto beans should have to eat"
+ "uriously regular requests hag"
- "s promise; silent pinto beans may use? furious theodolites wake ruthlessly duri"
+ "efully express instructions. regular requests against the slyly fin"
- "the sometimes permanent frets must haggle som"
+ "etect about the furiously final accounts. slyly ironic pinto beans sleep inside the furiously"
- "e through the idly daring warhorses --permanent patterns serve; escapades over th"
+ "ackages boost blithely. blithely regular deposits c"
- "telets could poach busy waters! bl"
+ "etect blithely bold asymptotes. fluffily ironic platelets wake furiously; blit"
- " the always furious pains "
+ " regular accounts. furiously unusual courts above the fi"
- " the always furious pains "
+ " regular accounts. furiously unusual courts above the fi"
- " dogged orbits beyond the escapades shall "
+ "rns wake final foxes. carefully unusual depende"
- " dogged orbits beyond the escapades shall "
+ " the special excuses. silent sentiments serve carefully final ac"
- "players --daring, careful forges past the enticing, thin sentiments try to kindle stealthily fr"
+ "ges. slyly regular requests are. ruthless, express excuses cajole blithely across the unu"
and 90 more ...
When checking these against the known-good answers for scale factor 1, all of the queries are off (two are close enough that they get past arrowbench's pretty loose validation).
Looking at the TPC-H tools, the validation for dbgen is:
And the data that this generator is producing does not conform to that. Even if I sort the data by columns that they appear to be in the dbgen (or duckdb) produced data, the data we get from our TPC-H generator does not match.
We might want a mode where we produce random TPC-H like data. But for benchmarking we need a way to produce actual TPC-H compliant data out of the box (we can deal with rows in a shuffled order if we need to, but the content of the data must be the same.
Maybe taking a look at DuckDB's implementation of the random seeds might help with a way to accomplish this?
Here's an example of generating data with duckdb (first ten lines of lineitems — and it's the same each time I generate it):
And the first ten lines of lineitems I generated with the official dbgen:
And the first ten lines of the validation file form the TPC-H tools:
Note, you can generate this tpc-h data from with the following. This shuffling is needed because we can only write datasets from execnodes (without materializing into memory entirely), so we move the files around as if they were single file writes:
Reporter: Jonathan Keane / @jonkeane
Note: This issue was originally created as ARROW-16100. Please see the migration documentation for further details.