apache / cordova-plugin-network-information

Apache Cordova Network Information Plugin
Apache License 2.0
464 stars 321 forks source link

docs: Doc cleanup #116

Closed breautek closed 4 years ago

breautek commented 4 years ago

Platforms affected

none (docs update)

Motivation and Context

Removes obsolete documentation that no longer applies for variety of reasons.




PieterVanPoyer commented 4 years ago

In the issues, from time to time there are questions about events in the background. If I read the code, I think that ios stops dispatching events when the app is in the background. This is also true for the android setup.


Maybe this should be mentioned in the Docs? It should solve/clarify issues like: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-network-information/issues/102

Kind regards Pieter

breautek commented 4 years ago

@PieterVanPoyer Do you know if this only applies to the iOS platform? I know Android does allow javascript execution in the background unlike iOS (unless if this was changed in WKWebView... not 100% sure), although execution is throttled.

Basically wondering if it should be added as a general note or an "iOS Quirk".

PieterVanPoyer commented 4 years ago

Basically wondering if it should be added as a general note or an "iOS Quirk".

Can be added as a general note (for ios and android). In Android the javascript might execute, but the native broadcastreceiver is unregistered : https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-network-information/blob/9f8527062776ead04982d7fab12875a66bf69855/src/android/NetworkManager.java#L140-L143

So no change from network is detected.

breautek commented 4 years ago

Can be added as a general note (for ios and android).

I added it under a general Quirks section, although I guess this suggest it may apply to the other 2 supported platforms (browser and windows), which I'm not sure if this does apply to those platforms or not... Maybe I should repeat the same text in both an Android Quirks section and the iOS Quirks section?

PieterVanPoyer commented 4 years ago

It does also seem to be true for Windows. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/api/windows.networking.connectivity.networkstatuschangedeventhandler?view=winrt-19041 Events are received while the app is active. But I am no Windows expert. For the browser part I have no idea. I would leave it like a general comment like you did, but it might not be completely correct for all the browsers, although Chrome lately has a freezing feature https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techradar.com/amp/news/chromes-new-feature-will-stop-tabs-from-eating-all-your-ram-heres-how-to-try-it Looks great to me!

breautek commented 4 years ago

I'll leave it as a general quirk rule then. Thanks for your help!